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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
15,595 posts

Looks to me that this kid is another butt-hurt Sony fan boy/girl. Your sad if you belive VG is correct with their stats,no no your not sad your a ******* if you belive in VG

Looks to me that you are desperately trying to troll this thread with your curse words and put downs since you cannot provide any facts/reasoning so you're backing up and degrading.
now everyone with a brain knows the 360 has thrashed the market for the past year now

Where's the proof? You can't say that without proof. Bring back some proof and try again.
Ive read your other post GhostOfMatrix and so far i can tell is you can't back **** up as a gamer or a ps3 fan.

How about making a better posts instead of just trolling, honestly. Try providing facts with your post.
&quots3 has blu ray, so it has better graphics than the 360' blu ray dosn't effect the graphics card that is in either system dumb ***

Uh. . why are you insulting me. Is it really that big of a deal? Do you really have to troll in a console wars thread? Compare the graphics on both systems and you will see that the PS3's are better.
i don't really think you have any right to post here when you know nothing.

Actually I do have a right to post here and you're honestly angry about it since you know that the PS3 is better. You're getting angry about a console wars thread since I can provide facts/reasoning and you cannot.
315 posts

Ive read your other post GhostOfMatrix and so far i can tell is you can't back **** up as a gamer or a ps3 fan. &quots3 has blu ray, so it has better graphics than the 360' blu ray dosn't effect the graphics card that is in either system dumb ***, it only effects what movies the system can play. If you knew anything about ps3 hardware (so far i can tell you don't know a thing) you would know that PS3 runs on a Lynix OP system, and xbox (slim) runs on a nice W7 if you know ANYTHING about OP system that you should know DUH ******* the 360 is better, i don't really think you have any right to post here when you know nothing.
If YOU knew anything, you would know that ps3 discs are in fact bluray discs, therefore creating better and more profound graphics and images in games than xbox would ever hope to accomplish.
142 posts

I would say Wii, but I don't own an X-box or a PS3, so it may just be biased.

303 posts

i don't really think you have any right to post here when you know nothing.

I believe that there are numerous grammatical errors in this post, but nonetheless.
"true knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing" - Socrates

Anyhow, I find it quite interesting how you insult someone else for being a Sony fanboy, while you yourself are clearly a Microsoft fanboy. In any case, while you examine the hardware of the system you leave out many other crucial elements. For example, a potential con of the XBOX 360 is that the online play costs money. Matrix's original post states that one would need to examine all elements of the system in order to determine its true value. I would think that an "expert gamer" like yourself would look at all elements of the system rather than just focus on one particular element.

In other words, Troll harder!
15,595 posts

Also, I would like to throw out with my review I stated that I like all three consoles, but I prefer the PS3 with reasoning. I won't post it again because I don't want to make this thread cluttered, but I'm not a fanboy. I enjoy all three of systems and pointed out pros and cons on each.
My review is on this page.

Also, VG is a reliable source for information. Do some research.

1,017 posts

Hardware: PS3 takes the cake because it came out 2 years after the 360, so it better be superior. EDGE: PS3

Software: Xbox 360 by far. Granted you pay for live but you get so much more out of it than PS3. With Party chat, join session in progress, it all seams much smoother and user-friendly on Xbox. EDGE: Xbox 360.

Exclusive games: Both pretty stacked. PS3 gets Killzone and Uncharted. DA BOX gets Halo and Gears of war. EDGE: Xbox360 because I find those games more enjoyable to play with. Also on CoD, Xbox gets Map Packs 1 month earlier.

Graphics: PS3 has blu-ray which at first made the console slow as hell but is now fixed. Blu-Ray gives the games a beter graphic quality. Ever so slight, but evident. EDGE: PS3

Sales: The Wii blows the 2 out of the water but lookie here:

So the Xbox oh so slightly beats out the PS3 in this aspect. EDGE Xbox 360.

So at a score of 3-2 the winner is...... Xbox 360.

Thats how I score it.

11 posts

i like the x-box best. it has the best games and graphics. i have a wii. it is fun, but gets boring fast. ps3 is pretty good because the internet is free. they are all good but i think x box is best

13 posts

Ps3 is really fun to play with, even if I got a boring game, I have PS network to battle it out! I think the ps3 should be the # Game System

15,595 posts

i like the x-box best. it has the best games and graphics.

Did you even attempt to read any of the above posts? We have stated the PS3 has slightly better graphics due to their disk being blu-ray.
they are all good but i think x box is best

You said that the Xbox has best games. But what games? You said it has best graphics, but I already told you otherwise.

So why is Xbox best?
1 posts

Honesty, Wii came out as the first wireless controll'd home console.. that's why it's best in that.. and also has good games.. such those of Mario and all the classic in the Virtual Console and WiiWare, but doesn't have much good of graphics.. only on certain games (Super Mario Galaxy) Xbox 360 has a good multiplayer online, gaming, Halo.. but you have to pay for the online. PS3 has free online, average/good enough online play, and best graphics.. Overall it's an Opinion on what you like.

10 posts

Honestly, it depends on the games you enjoy playing. Xbox has the most diversity (It has basically everything), PS3 is more for sports games, and Wii is more kiddy games with a little here and there other games thrown in. I personally love my Xbox 360. I've been an Xbox buff since the original. My opinion is not biased though. I owned the original playstation, PS2, and just sold my PS3. The blu-ray is good, but other than that, it just doesn't have enough game choices. I play a lot of shooter and PS3 is lacking in that department. Xbox has more games to choose fomr. I also play online, and even though you have to pay for Xbox Live, it is much better than the PS3 network. Let glitchy, more updates, and basically better all around. People are paying for it, so they care more about what's going on than PS3's network because it is free... So my vote is Xbox...

15,595 posts

Xbox has the most diversity (It has basically everything)

Mind clarifying what you mean by this?
The PS3 has diversity as well, with games and features. It does have everything you'll need.
PS3 is more for sports games

You have to be joking, right?

Great exclusives for the PS3:
Resistance series
Metal gear solid series
Heavy Rain
Little big planet
God of war series
Ninja Gaiden series
Uncharted series
Killzone series
Rachet and Clank

There are many more. Also, none of those are sports games.
5 posts

Xbox by far. because its now has the kenict. better than the censer bar for wii. PS3 just copied will with the censer bar

3,671 posts

Now from what I read at first i was tilted to the Xbox 360 all the way because well I've always been a Microsoft fan but, again from what i read from the comments I have to say this became a hard decision. Why you ask? its because well, wii was the first innovative game where you move yeah now there is the kinect (which is really awesome) and the PlayStation move (sucks) but, wii was still the first and its coming out with games that are perfectly crafted for it dont get me wrong dance central is super fun but its sorta cheesy when it come to the game play and the wii is just so much more advanced but, now community is a different story i mean the xbox community is great xbox live is supper fun to have but, minor detail its isn't free but its cheap $50 for an entire year but, the PlayStation online gaming experience is free and so is the Wii. So, it was really hard but, im going to have to say xbox 360 but, i was really titled towards the wii but the thing is now the kinect came out the controller is totally built for shooter games, graphics are great and the $50 bucks are totally worth it

15,595 posts

Xbox by far. because its now has the kenict. better than the censer bar for wii. PS3 just copied will with the censer bar

There is no dibs in marketing thus making your argument invalid.
Nintendo was already working on different ways to play video games.
So if you want to argue about who came with it first, Nintendo did, so Nintendo influenced the Kinect and Move.
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