This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
There is no definitively better system. The Wii has brilliant games and pretty good motion control, and pretty much sets the trends for the other systems. PS3 has great graphics and games, and 360 is pretty much a PS3 in terms of hardware and graphics.
i have xbox and wii and a friend who has ps3 xbox is best ps3 has good systems but is really not a family console wii is to based toward kids xbox is just right if you dont agree i understand i just think xbox is best (|:|) ps thats a ninja emote at the end i made it up
i hace wii and ps3 but i am working to get an Xbox 360 because of the supioror online play(never hacked, not as much lag), it has SO many more good games, and a lot more people have an xbox so its more diverse and you can talk with friends online through a mic which is awesome! XBOX
XBOX is better because it has better games. Just as good of graphics and better multiplayer connection/play ability. Also PSN made it's multiplayer free becuase they had to find someway to compete with Xbox. They still aren't even in the same league!
X360 is the best for sure, the exclusive games are better than the PS3, the controller is from far more confortable and it's from microsoft, and WII is the worst i just can't control anything there