This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I would vote for the Xbox 360 for several reasons. It can hold a lot of data, up to 250 GB. Most it's games has great quality, unlike the Wii, which is usually blurry and poor. The Kinect function on the Xbox 360 is also quite amusing, since you don't need to a controller and allowing you to use a wide variety of moves and abilities. And, although, you may argue that the Playstation 3 allows you to play online for free, Xbox Live actually gives you online games that are worthy of playing.
Most it's games has great quality, unlike the Wii, which is usually blurry and poor.
Do you mean graphics?
And, although, you may argue that the Playstation 3 allows you to play online for free, Xbox Live actually gives you online games that are worthy of playing.
PSN has almost same games as XBLA and actually more of them.
360. I say this not as a biased fanboy, but as a true gamer who's learned how to distinguish the winner whether it be by pure skill or sheer force.
While i grew up raised by nintendo, I honestly believe the last chance nintendo had was the WII, and they blew it. they tried to rush out this new "wireless motion technology" before anybody, themselves included, was ready. As a result they've had a poor outflux of games released on the sad little platform and have lost all of the real gaming community (not to mention how easy it is to hack and mod).
Once i hit my teens i was truly a Playstation fanatic, it was stylish, it had power, it had every game that anyone wanted to play. It was the go to guy for hours of entertainment. so when the original xbox came out, i honestly couldn't have cared less. my PS2 was my world. Then the xbox360 came out, with it's massive boost in graphics and processing, not to mention i was out of home now and my roommates already owned the console, i couldn't resist the upgrade with potential to system link. When the PS3 hit i saw what i wish I'd waited for, the power in this machine was to be feared. not to mention the exclusive titles, and all those games I'd loved for so long. But i held fast to my 360 and rode out the storm.
Now after the real battle has finally started to die down a little, we've all had time to really explore every aspect of each system appropriately, and i have to say, the biggest differences are the online community, and the types of games released.
the LIVE community is so very full of 9-13 year old mummy's boys that it almost makes you sick, i'll admit, but the percentage of players within the community that actually have some skill is much higher than that of PSN. I've played multiple games across multiple genres on both consoles and really seen that the PSN crowd... well... they kinda suck in comparison.
As for the games released, I've noticed that Xbox tends to cater for LIVE, as it works so well for them. Many of the games released to 360 are online multiplayer oriented or have many online capabilities. Whereas the PS3 crowd get more titles with serious campaign and single player story. The local multiplayer aspect works great on PS3 as well, but let's face it, catering for the guys that sit alone for hours pondering over how to make 14 gold 23 seconds faster isn't getting them very far. As far as industry goes, XBOX is leading the charge.
So really what I'm trying to say, is that WII never stood a chance, PS3 makes better games that look better and play better, but in the end, the 360 is more fun and makes more money. So by all logical reasoning, XBOX wins.
Well I have a WII and a PS3 and a lot of my friends have x-boxes. WII-I think we can all agree that the wii is the worst, no good games, no good online connections, nothing. PS3- this system is good because it has free online and i like the way the home screen is set up. It also has alot of the same games as xbox. XBOX-i like the remotes, has some different games like halo, gears of war and the new minecraft. However you have to pay $60 a year for the online gaming.
I say for f2p play station is by far the best(and im used to the controls) for a bit of money xbox is the best and has better live(but again cost money) and in my opinion unless the wii 2 is better nintendo is going down the drain
many thoughts go to the online thinking of rating,the wii did have a few online games.While most sucked,there were a few hidden jems for online that were great.
PS3 the best! Good quality, good games, good everything! And it's getting better too! Of course I heard Xbox and Wii is pretty good too, but I don't have a Xbox so I dunno and I used too have a Wii but it's not as good as PS3 (I think it's because Wii came earlier than PS3).
So really what I'm trying to say, is that WII never stood a chance, PS3 makes better games that look better and play better, but in the end, the 360 is more fun and makes more money. So by all logical reasoning, XBOX wins.
This is a very, very stupid battle. The Xbox 360 is not as powerfull as the PS3 is, but it has better frame-rate. The Wii is not as power as PS3 and Xbox 360.