This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
the wii is fun for arcade type games but if you like fps or rpg playstation and xbox are the way to go. looking at playstation vs xbox i think the xbox has good shooter games where as ps3 has good adventure games.
Playstation 3: The Ps3 has the best graphics overall, and you can get games cheap at video game stores and nearly all of them are good games, best ps3 game is Fallout New Vegas.
Xbox 360: Xbox Live and Kinect sucks. That is all.Doesn't even deserve to be in bold :/
Nintendo Wii: Though the wii has great games like Mario Kart, Twilight Princess, Brawl, Mario Galaxy, etc, it's getting old now, i can't say much more until i get my hands on the Wii U.
Wii is the lamest because it's game selection is pretty limited and playstaton and xbox 360 are even because they have all the same games like Cod and Halo and the only preference is xbox live and the controller difference so it's up to the buyer really just don't buy a wii they are lame
these games consoles have been around for a good number of years and have proven to have their own strengths and weakneeses, but recently with companies like apple coming out with the tablets and their phones, which can be used to play high def games as well,they are not as good as they used to be, and with nintendo bringing out the new WII U, it will make it harder for sony and micrsoft to stay in the gaming market.
Wii. 3 reasons. 1: Nobody has a gamecube anymore but EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY THE GAMES! thats what the wii is for. 2: YOu get exercise! My mom's not on my case anymore. 3:It'sjust fun.
It depends on the person. Wii is fun if you are a fan of their franchises, like Zelda or Mario, or if you're a kid. The Xbox is for more mature gamers and FPS fans. And I just don't know what to think of the Playstation 3. Never played one!
Truly, PC gaming is where it's at though. The only problem is the cost!