ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
478 posts

First off the Wii barely sold more than the Xbox 360 and PS3 and it doesn't make much of a difference and it could be because the price is lower.
But it did sell more.

Second the PS2 sold more than any system ever
Okay, who's talking bout the PS2? I have every system (except the gameboys or dreamcast) and aside from wii, I liked nintendo's systems more than the others of that time.

Nintendo did horrible with the Wii U the system specs match the Xbox 360 except they have 2gbs of Ram and the 360 only had 512mbs now the Xbox One is supposed to have 8gbs of Ram and the PS4 is supposed to have 16.
lol, the xbox 360 and ps3 have been around for 7 years. WiiU has been around for 7 months, if that. Don't start judging WiiU's sells. It hasn't even had its major price-drop yet. Xbox1 is just a PC basically. PS4 is supposed to have 8 GB of RAM. Also, WiiU is cheaper that other companies last generation consoles. Nintendo is full of good business men, they make it cheaper for a reason. Nothing's gonna be wrong with the PS4, it's just that me and all my friends aren't gonna by it, and certainly not the xbox1.

The Wii U is already the worst console out there. That won't change.
Lol, why? You're just jealous. It's already predicted by all third part publishers to do best. They all turned away from nintendo, but when they heard about the other systems, they turned back. Like EA, Rockstar, etc.

3,523 posts

Like EA, Rockstar, etc.

It's funny how that is complete bull****. The Wii U is dead to EA. It can't work with Frostbite so EA is abandoning it. And GTA V is not coming to Wii U.
566 posts

The Wii U is dead to EA. It can't work with Frostbite so EA is abandoning it.

Yeahhhhh, about that.....
428 posts

lol, the xbox 360 and ps3 have been around for 7 years. WiiU has been around for 7 months, if that. Don't start judging WiiU's sells.

Nobody is comparing years to months, they're comparing the Wii U's opening sales to the equivalent opening sales of the other consoles.
And no matter how you spin it, they're atrocious. That's solid unarguable fact.
Did you know this April, just last month,the Wii is rumored to have sold more units the the Wii U?
The Wii U can't even outsell the console it's replacing after it's replaced it. It's doing really bad.

You know what's another good point you inadvertently raise?

the xbox 360 and ps3 have been around for 7 years. WiiU has been around for 7 months, if that.

Exactly! Why in god's name is the Wii U barely as powerful as the decaying corpses that are this generation's consoles? It even has less storage space.
Besides, having 7 years on them is a great advantage, because that means they have a selection of great titles going back 7 years, to the Wii U's piss-poor library.

You're just jealous.
What in the name of **** do you mean? I'm jealous of a console? Are you completely mentally ill? Is that the sheer amount of logic-stretching you need to do to believe in your own arguments?

It's already predicted by all third part publishers to do best. They all turned away from nintendo, but when they heard about the other systems, they turned back. Like EA, Rockstar, etc.
Pardon my French, but that's bull****. We haven't seen many games on the next-gen consoles because they're keeping that stuff for E3. There's going to be a ton of launch titles on the new consoles, many/most of which won't be on the Wii U. The Wii U's third party support is abysmal and will only get worse.

Yeahhhhh, about that.....
"Dead to EA" is an obvious exaggeration, but to quote the article you posted:
“We are building titles for the Nintendo console, but not anywhere near as many as we are for PlayStation or Xbox." That means no Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14, for instance.
672 posts

Nintendo is full of good business men, they make it cheaper for a reason.

They make it cheaper because it is cheap. It is cheap quality cheap parts. And the Specs that is does have are equivalent to the Xbox 360 and PS3 and its a 8 GEN CONSOLE!!!!!! and it already only barely amounts to the 360 and PS3 meaning the PS4 and X1 will blow it out of the water. Nintendo are complete idiots for releasing such a terrible in comparison to X1 and PS4 consoles.

lol, the xbox 360 and ps3 have been around for 7 years. WiiU has been around for 7 months, if that. Don't start judging WiiU's sells.

What I've managed to salvage from that mindless garble is that you think that we can't compare the WiiU to the PS3 and X360 because they are older and supposedly we should compare it to the PS4 and X1?

And In January 2013, the Wii U sold 57,000 units in the US. By comparison, the original Wii sold 435,000 in January 2007, also two months after launch.
You tell me which did better
3,523 posts

I think the PS4 is going to win the battle of the 8th generation. Wii U can't compete, and the Xbox One is just a mess.

Kinect is always on. Kinect's microphone is on even when the Xbox is off, and the X1 has to be connected to the internet at least every 24 hours for it to function. Then there's the used game stuff. Xbox Live is still a paid service. It has a GPU that is weaker than the PS4, and most of the features that were shown off are USA only.

478 posts

It's funny how that is complete bull****. The Wii U is dead to EA. It can't work with Frostbite so EA is abandoning it. And GTA V is not coming to Wii U.
If you're up to date, you'll realize that they just signed up.

3,523 posts

If you're up to date, you'll realize that they just signed up.

And yet they are still holding the PS4 and X1 in higher favor.
17 posts

Nobody is comparing years to months, they're comparing the Wii U's opening sales to the equivalent opening sales of the other consoles.
And no matter how you spin it, they're atrocious. That's solid unarguable fact.

Please do not make things up. Sources would be great. Here I detail the amount of units sold after half a financial year.

The Playstation 3 was released November 11th in 2006.

The Wii U was released November 18th in 2012.

The Xbox 360 was released November 22nd 2005.

Sony expected to sell 6 million units by the fiscal year ending in March 2007. Only 3.68 million were sold, falling short of that mark.

As of 31 March 2013, Nintendo reports 3.45 million units have been sold worldwide.

As of March 31st, 2006 the Xbox 360 has sold over 3.2 million units worldwide.
478 posts

Thankyou BadHaikuBird for not being totally illogical and proving these haters wrong. I mean guys, the dif between me and you is I love my systems and dont care for yours. You love yours and hate mine.

672 posts

Thankyou BadHaikuBird for not being totally illogical and proving these haters wrong. I mean guys, the dif between me and you is I love my systems and dont care for yours. You love yours and hate mine.

Actually I have no prejudice for any system because I play on the PC but I do know facts and the facts are that the Wii U barely beats the xbox 360 and the PS3 even though it is newer. I do know that the Wii U sold worse than the Wii and it was unexpected for NIntendo. I do know that the PS4 and X1 will be better than the Wii U based on the Specs meaning
The Processor
and Graphics
They are all going to be better than the Wii U, and if they aren't then you can come back and call me whatever you want. But I can guarantee that the PS4 and X1 aren't downgrading.
And the reason why the Wii sold more could be because of many reasons:
It was released in Japan first
It is Cheaper than the 360 and PS3
The NIntendo Wii came out before the other consoles
428 posts

Well **** my *** and call me a ****. My information was wrong.

Still, so what it's not selling badly? It's a terrible console nonetheless. Please don't mistake disproving one argument for disproving all of them. Most of which are being conveniently ignored.

242 posts

I'm Nintendo fan but you can't deny Wii'u sales are terrible.
I mean come one it gets outsold even by PSV and Wii.

478 posts

Still, so what it's not selling badly? It's a terrible console nonetheless. Please don't mistake disproving one argument for disproving all of them. Most of which are being conveniently ignored.
That right there is called trolling, my friend. You hate on a system simply because you don't have it.

428 posts

Look here. If you're gonna keep ignoring the plethora of real arguments I've made against the console and keep saying I dislike it out of some fictitious sense of jealousy, I'm gonna start thinking you're an idiot.

I've made several points in this thread, but for your convenience, allow me to quote my post from the thread YOU started about the Wii U. A post you also seem to have ignored.

I'm kind of tired of repeating all the reasons why the Wii U is a colossal disaster, so I'll be brief.

Its release timing is idiotic, game library is tiny (and unremarkable), there's no multiplayer community and third party support is very weak next to the two other major consoles, meaning there's very little to no reason to pick this up over a proper console.

The stupid control scheme is not even close to revolutionary (oh geez, a touchscreen, never seen that) and flawed at its very core - why the hell would I look away from my god**** game. There's literally no utility a pause menu couldn't have given me. The only thing it's going to be any good for is making it even more hellish for Nintendo to find third party support, because we've learned from the Wii that developers largely won't give enough of a crap to implement the gimmick to its "fullest potential" or, worse yet, won't port games at all.
The controller itself is a cumbersome, poorly designed piece of hardware with zero battery life.

The marketing was done poorly and half the consumers don't even know it's a standalone machine, and in two years it will be a barren ****ing wasteland, only sparsely revisited for a short while whenever Nintendo releases one of their big IPs' next installment, and then abandoned promptly right after.
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