ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
1,101 posts

-That "big button on the front" Is a GOOD thing. It allows you the entire xbox menu, without ever leaving your game. You can check on downloads, look at your friends list, and various other things.
-...WTF is wrong with a sliding disk tray? Do you have ADHD or something?
-Battery packs are not really a bad thing; They're rechargeable, which in essence, is the exact same thing as the ps3 (not to mention the ps3 controllers lose charge much faster)
-"Huge plugs" don't really matter to most people...they're usually concealed inside behind a tv or something.
-The halo 3/GOW2 was pretty have to use 2/3 year old games to even stand up in arguement; If you want a real comparison, use Bioshock 2 or something. Considering most games are multi-plat now, your claim of "games are getting worse" is pretty funny XD
-The graphical difference is partially correct; PS3 CAN allow for higher quality graphics. But things truly come down to the developer. Take Bioshock 2 for an example. Xbox360 has at leasr 5x better water textures compared to the PS3. Xbox can support 1080p. Why do you think they sell HDMI cables?!?!

well i would argue, but im lazy and considering its one big facepalm after another, ill just leave it at that.

But i would like to describe why i said LBP. It is the only game i play when im baked, and is the only game most girls out there love to play. So im sry if you think its immature..

8 posts

I hav a 360 and ps3, i think ps3 is alot better

2 posts

I gotta go with 360. But both the Wii and PS3 are great systems. I just prefer the 360's online features, games, and control style a little more.

51 posts

I think wii is the best because the wii has brawl and the wii has mario cart unlike ps3 and 360

3 posts

personally, i also own both a 360 and a wii
i find that i play 360 way more than the wii when im just gaming but if i have friends over we often use the wii because it has the unique quality that anyone can pick it up and play. 360 gives much more depth and reality to its games but Wii has uses the motion control in some really crazy ways and often this makes it fun to play.
i have played a PS3 before and id say that it matches a 360 its just a matter of personal preference

389 posts

But i would like to describe why i said LBP. It is the only game i play when im baked, and is the only game most girls out there love to play. So im sry if you think its immature..

Thats kinda cool :P My girlfriend plays MW2 with me XD Not being mean or anything!

well i would argue, but im lazy and considering its one big facepalm after another, ill just leave it at that.

Actually, He does make pretty interesting facts n their if you actually THINK about it.
1,101 posts

-That "big button on the front" Is a GOOD thing. It allows you the entire xbox menu, without ever leaving your game. You can check on downloads, look at your friends list, and various other things.
-...WTF is wrong with a sliding disk tray? Do you have ADHD or something?
-Battery packs are not really a bad thing; They're rechargeable, which in essence, is the exact same thing as the ps3 (not to mention the ps3 controllers lose charge much faster)
-"Huge plugs" don't really matter to most people...they're usually concealed inside behind a tv or something.
-The halo 3/GOW2 was pretty have to use 2/3 year old games to even stand up in arguement; If you want a real comparison, use Bioshock 2 or something. Considering most games are multi-plat now, your claim of "games are getting worse" is pretty funny XD
-The graphical difference is partially correct; PS3 CAN allow for higher quality graphics. But things truly come down to the developer. Take Bioshock 2 for an example. Xbox360 has at leasr 5x better water textures compared to the PS3. Xbox can support 1080p. Why do you think they sell HDMI cables?!?!

The button, im talking about is on the xbox 360 itself, not the contoller.. The big button, is used to turn the system on and off.. And if it also can go to the menu.. Well doesnt the xbox controller have a button in the middle that does the exact same thing??

The sliding disc tray.. Its not the problem that it takes so long, its the fact that its the same as most dvd trays. And it makes the system look extremely bulky, and it just doesn't look as good as it would if you just stuck the disc into it, like you do on the ps3.. Like my friend knocked his over when the disc tray was out, and needed to buy a new one cuz it damaged it. It was able to shut properly anymore...

Yea ps3 loses charge alot faster??? Yea true, but the also charge ten times as fast, and you can play while charging. =o i know epic huh. And the problem i have with the battery packs, is more the fact of again the bulkyness... And the reminder of something from the handheld gameboys.. It just again looks extremely nerdy, and looks like something meant for 10 yr olds.

The huge plugs? Yea sure there hidden, there still unnormally huge, especially if your not able to be lucky enough to have an area able to hide this. Lots of families are able to hide it behind t.vs, stereos, speakers, etc... but there are some families who cant do this, therefore having some huge random square for a plug sitting in the middle of their floor.. Also the wifi thing.. Um yea buying a wifi connecter is just another waste of money. So add that to the cost of an xbox. Then add the cost of an HDMI cable. Then also add the cost of xbox live. And there you go, costs basically as much as a ps3, but u get much less for it..

My friend doesnt have the wifi connector, and because the only pc in the house is his moms, in her room, he had to buy a 50 meter cable in order to get live. So this cable goes through out his house in order for him to play live.. Yea makes alot of sense...cuz its kinda easy to trip on it in some places... wifi saves space, and lives.

Ok so i checked your claims of bioshock 2. Got my friend to bring his xbox 360 over, and his HDMI cable as well. We plugged it in, i checked it out. lol the water effects, well they look much worse on the xbox 360 like i thought. But then again the online play is definately btr on the xbox 360.. So advantages and disadvanteges for both i guess...

There we go... not lazy anymore.

To bad the wii doesnt have bioshock 2.. lol. Missin out guys.. O and also mw2.. Missin out on that. And Assasins creed.

389 posts

PS3 supports 1080p, too.

Yea he knew that, nonconformist said the 360 can't support it but it can.
4 posts

I vote for the Xbox 360, because I have one myself.

4 posts

wii is more advanced with the way games are played, altho the 360 and ps3 outclasses it with the level of online gaming available. the ps3 has the advancements of blueray and graphics.

45 posts

xbox 360 because its cheaper and it has my fav games on it forza 3 and halo3

14 posts

PS3 and XBOX DUH!!!! Wii doesn't do anything no live but PS3 live is slow because u dont have to pay for it. Xbox better because it better connection cause they use money ( ur money) to make the connection better and its only fifty buck a year i mean com on thats so awesome!

7 posts

ur just saying that money is better..... thats stupid!!!!!!!!!
I prefer PS3 because
IT IS FREE!! the connection is the same too smart one.
And WII is good because it has all of those fun interactive games.
I also like XBOX 360 because of the exclusive games are good along with the slightly larger live society.
All of them are good in my opinion.

3 posts

i have a wii and a 360 but i also us my computer for gaming so lol all systems have their goodness

2 posts

i am going with the play station 3 i mean god of war three is coming out

Showing 796-810 of 5032