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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
599 posts

i vote for Xbox 360 becuase wii is fun but gets boring after an hour or so, ps3 has its ups and downs but i like the xbox because the online is very fun although ps3 also has a good chance of winning.

true about the wii

what r some of ps3's downs?

xbox has the same online on games such as CoD as ps3
599 posts

I've got to say the PS3 because:
Wii- Upto 640x480
XBOX- Upto 1280x720
PS3- UpTO 1920X1080

im sorry but that makes absoultly no sense what-so-ever to me what are all those #'s supposed 2 mean?
599 posts

Just look at Kinect, no controllers in your hand to play a game, more games and better games.

PS3 has the PS Eye which is just like connect but better because its made by sony

there are approximently the same # of games for both systems and the games being better is also not true there are tons of games that are the same on both system and PS3 has way more and funner exclusive games
3,523 posts

Well, I'm a pretty big Halo fan, so that's what keeps me tethered to Xbox. Other than that, there's really not that much to offer. PS3 is pretty sweet with the backwards compatibility, because PS2 was freaking awesome. And there's all these HD collections being released. I love playing all the PS2 classics on the PS3. (Kingdom Hearts 2, Jak and Daxter series, Sly cooper, ratchet and clank....)

But Steam pretty much blows all 3 out of the water. There are amazing sales left and right man. Back during the holidays they had Skyrim 33% off when it was only about a month old! And they have great deals all the time! I just got Deus Ex last weekend for 10 bucks on Steam because of a sale.

599 posts

Yeah and I also like with the downloadable gaming games are alot cheaper (such as Castle Crasher(very awesome)) comparred to 360 and with the PS+ you can get deals on some games and get some games free such as a few weeks ago I was on and they were offering the simpsons arcade game (which I love to play on the big arcade machies) for free to PS+ members

599 posts

The PS3 has nothing classic or attractive about it.

The PS3 has plenty of good classic games from the PS2

How near sighted of you, graphics only matter to PS3 fans. It's the storylines and gameplay that make a game great

lies. lies. LIES! why must you continue telling all of these hideous lies!?

The graphics have a big part in the game play if the graphics suck than the game sucks

if the graphics are good it makes the game a bit more enjoyable

Nintendo also rules the campaign area because they didn't want to focus on the multiplayer so instead, they made great campaign games Like the Legend of zelda games and all of the Metroids.

nintendo does have good campaigns I will admit but for PS3 and 360 they have great controllers for games like CoD but the campaigns on those are very good and the multiplayer is what sells the games because the multiplayer for those games is good and nintendo just doesnt have that thing that makes them good for online games
599 posts

The Wii was big in like 2008...the PS3 is way to much and the Xbox is just to awesome.So i like the Xbox the best.

true wii was big in 08 but the PS3 just blows xbox away. I used to be a big wii fan then I played my friends 360 and was like "wow wii really sucks" than I played my other friends ps3 and was like "wow. this is WAY better than xbox"
672 posts

Since when does a nintendo game has a campaign. Who plays the nintendo anymore. Wii is just for people that don't know good games and people that think the Wii provides any exercise.

The PC is the best in the world for gaming but don't try to play a Nintendo game on a PC cuz you won't find one. The last fun nintendo game I ever played was Donkey Kong Country for the Super NIntendo

242 posts


My vote is the PS3 nd i dont think the *** box 360 should of been made cause if u think about it the ps3 nd the 360 are very very simaler

Xbox came first so if you think about it this way PS3 shouldn't be made.


I know that Im just saying that when ever i debate this with an xbox fan they always bring up how they think that halo is so great

I'm wii fan and I also like Halo. Also even after this I still don't see how that makes PS3 better.

online is practicly the same for ps3 and 360

Not really XBL has more functions but you have to pay for it ( which makes it worse than PSN for me)

for exclusive games there are few but the few there are arnt that great

Even when you don't like Halo there are other good ones, but I agree PS3 and Wii are better when it comes to exclusive titles.

for online that makes no sense there are jerks on both systems

I agree - trolling on CoD (and other games) is unbearable no matter if you use PS3 Xbox360 or PC.

PS3 has the PS Eye which is just like connect but better because its made by sony

Because it's made by Sony = bad argument. Kinect is more advanced technology but it's games rarely react well on controls so PS Eye is maybe better.

The graphics have a big part in the game play if the graphics suck than the game sucks

SMG2 has worse graphics than AMY. Does that make awesome SMG2 worse than one of the worst console games of this gen?

nintendo just doesnt have that thing that makes them good for online games

Mario Kart has for example great online MP I don't see your point.


Every post is two lines or less with one irrelevant point. (Such as Graphics or Games)

Irrelevant point - Games??? When I buy video GAME console I buy it beacuse of GAMES so I don't think it's irrelevant.


Wii is just for people that don't know good games

Or for people who like other games than you?
672 posts

Xbox came first so if you think about it this way PS3 shouldn't be made.

Ok first of all the playstation came out back around 1996 so you can easily justify that an Xbox shouldn't have been made by your logic. And then you could say that the playstation shouldn't have even came out because the nintendo came out in the 80's. It wouldn't make sense to not make something just because someone else made something similar. The Controller and Systems vary and the graphics do too.

Even when you don't like Halo there are other good ones, but I agree PS3 and Wii are better when it comes to exclusive titles.

I wouldn't have to agree with you there. When it comes down to it do you want Gears of War and Halo or Rachet and Clank and God Of War. I know there are other exclusive games but those seem to be the favorites.
When you get to the most popular Online types of games they are usually on both the Ps3 and the Xbox 360 and of Course the wii is always going to have more exclusive games because Nintendo doesn't have any PC games.
599 posts

Because it's made by Sony = bad argument.

that was more of a joke than anything

SMG2 has worse graphics than AMY. Does that make awesome SMG2 worse than one of the worst console games of this gen?

i guess i should have been more specific and meant to say it isnt as enjoyable

I'm wii fan and I also like Halo. Also even after this I still don't see how that makes PS3 better.

thats want my entire argument im just saying that when i debate this w/ an xbox fan they bring that up
5,952 posts

ps3 is better. why? more exculsive titles. the two best being infamous and uncharted. granted wii has waaay more, but they are not as good. i like ps3 better because it can also function as a blue ray play, you can watch tv, get netflix, play cool games and the psn is free.

672 posts

you can watch tv, get netflix, play cool games and the psn is free.

When you really get down to it the price of Xbox live is so cheap I don't see why anyone can afford it. Unless you are a kid or something and you play the xbox but in my mind I don't really think a kid should have live. But anyone with a decent job and internet can get live. They always have deals and I have seen deals as low as .33 cents a month. I mean they don't always have deals but it isnt really that hard to pay for.
PS3 players act like they have this big thing because PSN is free well it also sucks to so you get what you pay for. The Xbox live doesn't have a million noobs tying up servers and I like the interface better from the Xbox 360.

It is an easily argued topic over exclusive games because some people always have a personal preference. I like Halo and Gears of War and some others. I used to like the Playstation don't get me wrong but I like the way the Xbox 360 does things.

I like Gamerscore
I like the achievements (PSN has them but not gamerscore)
I like the VUI on the Xbox
I like how the xbox was cheaper
I like the exclusive titles (gears of war)
I like how there is always news updates
I like Kinect better
Really there are great things about both it is hard to pick a favorite but I just thnk the Xbox is better. I think when it all comes down to it, anyway that bought a PS3 is always going to be a PS3 fan and anyone that bought an Xbox 360 will always be an Xbox fan.
PS3 has better graphics but it doesn't really matter that much because they are really close. Unless you can update your graphics card and install new ones inn the future then it will never matter. Because neither of the consoles are limited by graphics at this point.
1 posts

i think is the xbox because it has my favorite games halo 3 and halo reach

672 posts

Well, thats not necessarily the gaming console, but more the games. I don't think that the games should be the deciding factor on which console is better

I would have to agree with you there. It should be about quality and performance and the visuals to a degree. But like I said it seems like PS3 players will always like the PS3 and Xbox 360 players will always like the Xbox 360. It seems like it depends on which 7-gen console you bought.
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