Josip Tito is one of the few communist leader I hold some respect for; his government paid for everything the people needed: housing, food, health care, education...he was truly in it for the people economically it would seem. I have two friends (one on this site) from two different nations that used to be part of Yugoslavia that say their parents wish Tito was alive so that he could bring the good old days of socialism back to Yugoslavia. And to add, Tito openly broke his ties with Stalin or by extension the Comintern and the official "communist" side of the cold war. This angered Stalin to the degree that five assassins (all failed) were sent to dispatch Tito. Eventually, Yugoslavia became neutral in the cold war until Tito's death in 1980.
Tito was a good leader, but it wasn't really a success of communism, but rather of him as an individual. This is very clearly seen now that he's dead, since the entire region devolved into violence after he died, showing that it was a weak governmental structure that was held together by his magnetic personality.
Tito also had a lot of things going for him. He was a pretty bad communist (in that he didn't toe the line set by the USSR) which meant that he was able to receive aid from both them and the US, and he was very good at getting that aid. So Yugoslavia had it much easier then other nations due to the tremendous amount of aid Tito was able to extract from the superpowers and their satellites/allies.
Also, Yakooza, have at least some idea of what you're talking about before you decide to post.
Tito is partially responsible Kosovo problem. And as SuperzMcShort mentioned Yugoslavia was very dependent of foreign aid. Yakooza posted a link to gulag. There were no gulags in YU but there was a similar place for political prisoners, and someone could become one even if disagreeing about some trivial mater with the official regime policy. Prisoners were treated like animals. VoteSocialist said that people would like those times back. People just enjoyed life without much work and never asked themselves where is all that money coming from. They are still paying the toll for that way of thinking. I grow weary of this communist threads.
Tito was one of the few unrecognized killers of the 20th century. He held an extreme prejudice against Serbs and had countless sent to concentration camps. During WWII, his partisans may have killed over 100,000 Slovenians without trial. From sources that I have read, over 1,000,000 were executed during his reign.
The reason why no one knows this is because:
1. He was anti-Stalin, so the West hailed him as a moderate Communist who was willing to compromise.
2. The crimes of Mao, Stalin, and Hitler shadow Tito.
3. Croatia (Tito's home country) has never admitted his crimes. Many still look back to Tito and remember modernization and the defeat of Hitler.
Tito helped a lot the Balkan countries, his revolutionary acts where very important. He made some mistakes, everybody does, but he was a first-rate leader. There is even a political term named a after him "Titoism". Also he supported the policy of nonalignment between the two hostile blocs in the Cold War.
I don't see how he helped Balkan countries Goumas unless you think about helping to make this the most unstable region of Europe. He was a manipulator. He spent a lot of time visiting third world countries. Once we exported some heavy machinery in Africa and got paid with bananas. Hilarious and sad at the same time.
you killed all people from istria just because for you italian meant fascist. plain folks were killed in their home.
anyway i understand what you're saying. i know that mussolini was a puppet of hitler, and i know that italy and germany invaded yugoslavia, but there aren't excuse: you killed more than 20.000 italians just because they were italians. IN THE NAME OF COMUNIST PACIFISM italians were shoot, drowned, hanged, slaughtered whit ice pick.
do you know what was the idea of mussolini? he wanted a reign like romans, but when he saw hitler and his power he thought that was better to be his ass-kisser for to conquer albania and ethiopia...
mussolini deported italian Jewish to germany and sent more soldier possible to hitler's cause.
1,200,000 victims maybe are from nazi-fascist attack. there never be a war from yugoslavia and italy!