It's just a whole bunch of nut jobs getting together bashing the health care reform Obama has planned. Yelling nonsense isn't going to help their cause.
The media is only focusing on the nut jobs at these meetings because a) that's sensational and b) it serves to discredit the very LEGITIMATE concerns lots of average people rightly have about this bill.
Yes, doing Obama up like Hitler is taking things to an absurd extreme. But if you examined the actual bill, you would understand why it's possible for people to come up with such an extreme take on it. The bill does in fact have fucking distopian implications. (see my two posts here:
Hitler is a very bad comparison, however, because while he may have been insane, he was also brilliant. And before he got the crazy idea that he should start killing and fighting the whole goddamn planet, he did marvelous things for Germany - turned it into a powerhouse. A real shame he ended up using things the way he did.
So your saying, people are afraid that Obama would use his power unwisely, what power? The USA is a hell hole at the moment, at-least Germany had some type of economy when Hitler gained power.