berney whatshisname is really an anoying fag that video dosent show what she is talking about, probly was saying something worth while but I dont know so i dont have a large opinion, maybe she was this death too obama/hitler lune, but i really havent heard much.
After colbert saw this he talked too the dinning-room table about health care for its thoughts
This is a conservative response to Obama's health care plan. It is not a liberal one.
that video dosent show what she is talking about
For some time, Rush Limbaugh has been comparing Obama's health care plan to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The extreme right wing conservatives have taken up this cause. Limbaugh actually makes an argument is his comparison, but it is really awful. As you can see by the look on this crazed woman's face, she really hadn't thought this through... at all...
Dude, I HATE these crazies. I don't like the health care plan or Obama (as a politician, not a person), but why do people have to go off comparing him to Hitler? Until we go on a military campaign to capture minorities and lock them away into concentration camps, I don't see why we even need to bring it up.
I think it's Fox news doing this, first they make the people angry by twisting everything then those people go to the meetings yell a bunch of crap and bring a gun to make a point which has nothing to do with the debate and then fox news shows it and encourages people.
Lol Rush Limbaugh does not equal kingpin of conservatives. Rush Limbaugh equals a talk show host or a performer. He's not a political figure.
He is the host of a radio show, yes. But it is a politically conservative radio show - the aim of which is the further his political agenda and politicize those who listen to his show to also further his cause. And really, while there might not be one single "kingpin of conservatives" he is certainly in the top 5. Actually I just Googled "top conservatives" and Limbaugh is in the top 5 in most lists.
I think it's Fox news doing this, first they make the people angry by twisting everything then those people go to the meetings yell a bunch of crap and bring a gun to make a point which has nothing to do with the debate and then fox news shows it and encourages people.
Again, unless you already know the context of her comments, it does just seem like a crazy woman. But welcome to the idiocy of the extreme right's political agenda. The argument of comparing Obama with Nazis has to with socialized medicine, but I seriously doubt that crazy woman could prove the argument.
but I seriously doubt that crazy woman could prove the argument.
She couldn't. Universal Health Care in Germany started under Otto von Bismarck in the 1880's. It was not a Nazi creation. Even if it was started under the Nazi's, that does not mean it is inherently evil. Many things were started or improved under the Third Reich. The Autobahn (which I REALLY want to drive on) was given a huge expansion when Hitler was in power. No one would call the Autobahn "evil" or a "Nazi system."
No one would call the Autobahn "evil" or a "Nazi system."
Funny you should mention this; I believe that when they were putting in the national highway system, that American citizens called it a "socialist" move, did they not?
It doesn't seem like these meetings are useful in anyway way at all. It's just a whole bunch of nut jobs getting together bashing the health care reform Obama has planned. Yelling nonsense isn't going to help their cause.
And comparing it it to Hitler and the Holocaust? They're getting desperate, I think.
Every person who has compared someone to Hitler for implementing "socialist" reforms has failed somewhere along the lines of their political career, usually shortly after making the comment.
Here's my take on this particular matter. My opinion will probably change in twenty minutes though XD
I don't think the protesters are crazy, I think they're all crazy. The politicians, the protesters, everyone. The politicians plans are insane, and the people protesting them are insane.
seems as if both parties are calling eachother nazis don't it?
Did she say "these people are NAZIS!"
No she didn't.
She said, hey,
they're carrying swastikas and stuff to town hall meetings. C'mon people, doesn't that sound like an overreaction/exaggeration?
At least that's how I interpreted it.
Now that dude form Fox News on the other hand flat out said Democnrats were Nazis, I'd find a clip if I actually cared enough about American health care.