This 'Questionnaire' is incredibly funny and satirical and it certainly makes you think. Many homosexuals get asked similar questions every day (only about their homosexuality instead).
1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality? 2. When and how did you decide you were a heterosexual? 3. Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of? 4. Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex? 5. If you have never slept with a person of the same sex, is it possible that all you need is a good Gay lover? 6. Do your parents know that you are straight? Do your friends and/or roommate(s) know? How did they react? 7. Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality? Can't you just be who you are and keep quiet? 8. Why do heterosexuals put so much emphasis on sex? 9. Why do heterosexuals feel compelled to seduce others into their lifestyle? 10. A disproportionate majority of child molesters are heterosexual. Do you consider it safe to expose children to heterosexual teachers? 11. Just what do men and women do in bed together? How can they truly know how to please each other, being so anatomically different? 12. With all the societal support marriage receives, the divorce rate is spiraling. Why are there so few stable relationships among heterosexuals? 13. Statistics show that lesbians have the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. Is it really safe for a woman to maintain a heterosexual lifestyle and run the risk of disease and pregnancy? 14. How can you become a whole person if you limit yourself to compulsive, elusive heterosexuality? 15. Considering the menace of overpopulation, how could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual? 16. Could you trust a heterosexual therapist to be objective? Don't you feel s/he might be inclined to influence you in the direction of his/her own leanings? 17. There seem to be very few happy heterosexuals. Techniques have been developed that might enable you to change if you really want to. Have you considered trying aversion therapy? 18. Would you want your child to be heterosexual, knowing the problems that s/he would face?
My personal favorites are 11. and 15.
(I'm sorry if anybody has seen this before but I just wanted to show it to you)
I'm just going to throw out my ten bucks here. The guy who made this "Questionare" thing is a moron. His joke is on people who are confused about homosexuality. The fact of the matter is that homosexuality is NOT natural, no matter how you think of it. Thats not saying its bad. Its not. Its just not natural. If it was natural to have sex with men instead of woman, than the human race would have been long gone. Heterosexuality and maybe bisexuality are the only natural sexualities. Lets face it- the butt isn't made for that. It just isn't. You can rupture the insides of your anus and suffer from internal bleeding in your asshole. If it was natural, we would have been built for buttsex. But we aren't, so its not natural. I'm not saying its bad, keep this in mind- natural and good are two totally different things. I'm just saying that the whole argument of "its natural" is completely retarded and anyone who thinks otherwise is a retard.
And while xyz420 can generally be disregarded as a troll, the currently expressed sentiments are common enough to warrant a reply for more thoughtful people reading.
Homosexuality is in fact quite natural. Population control factors are a standard part of evolutionary ecosystems.
Also, many hetero couples engage in anal intercourse. Many homosexuals do not. It is misleading to correlate the homosexuality with anal sex.
The fact of the matter is that homosexuality is NOT natural, no matter how you think of it. Thats not saying its bad. Its not. Its just not natural.
I'd agree that having sex with another guy may not be natural, but that doesn't mean being attracted to him isn't. The mind and the body are two entirely different things.
but it's in the wrong section put it in "The Tavern" section.
It seems fine to me. A nice conversation could come from it in here, while in the tavern you're just going to get spam.
Anyway, this thing doesn't seem very well thought out. A lot of the questions don't even make sense when you say heterosexual, while they do with homosexual. If this was a good questionnaire it would ask similar questions that actually apply to heterosexuals, and don't just make people chuckle.
I'd agree that having sex with another guy may not be natural
So if animals do it, is it still "not natural"? The only alternative to natural, as far as I'm aware of, is artificial - made by humans. So to say it's not natural is to say that humans CREATED homosexuality. One example of homosexuality amongst animals would disprove this idea; as indicated in my previous post there are in fact many.
Anyway, this thing doesn't seem very well thought out. A lot of the questions don't even make sense when you say heterosexual, while they do with homosexual. If this was a good questionnaire it would ask similar questions that actually apply to heterosexuals, and don't just make people chuckle.
Many homosexuals get asked these sort of questions by people who try to convert them or trying to show the 'error' of their ways. Why do you find them funny though? I have seen many similar questions (against homosexuals) who take these questions very seriously.
15. Considering the menace of underpopulation, how could the human race survive if everyone were homosexual?
18. Would you want your child to be homosexual, knowing the problems that s/he would face?
Now do they seem like silly questions? They do when you try to revert them to a heterosexual question. Then you can see just how silly they actually are. It's simply turning the arguments used by many people against homosexuals and showing them what it's like the other way around.
(And yeah I thought it was slightly better suited to be in a slightly more serious forum, if anyone disagrees feel free to move it)
Humans are animals too, and our bodies aren't meant to have anal sex. It's just not what our bodies our built for, and most other animals aren't either.
I'm not saying it's bad to be gay, and they can do it if they want, I'm just saying that it's not exactly what our bodies were made for.
Many homosexuals get asked these sort of questions by people who try to convert them or trying to show the 'error' of their ways.
Yes, but it doesn't make sense to ask what would happen to the world's population if everyone was heterosexual. It would increase slightly, but we wouldn't notice too much of a difference. If everyone was homosexual however the population would sharply decrease, which is a real concern of some people.
Why do you find them funny though?
I found some of them slightly humourous because of how they're turning them around and they make even less sense than before.
You're not going to be made fun of if you're heterosexual though, but you may be if you're homosexual or bisexual. So it's even more stupid turned around than is originally.
Basically I'm saying that if they want to change the way the anti-homosexuals think, they need to make a more serious questtionaire.
Yes, but it doesn't make sense to ask what would happen to the world's population if everyone was heterosexual. It would increase slightly, but we wouldn't notice too much of a difference. If everyone was homosexual however the population would sharply decrease, which is a real concern of some people.
A very small part of the population is homosexual. I doubt we will all wake up one day and be homosexual. Many scientists believe it has something to do with certain chemicals before birth that will determine ones sexuality and it usually turns out that they will be straight. Not to mention scientists can reproduce the sperm cell from skin cell so there is in fact no need for a man anymore. You're not going to be made fun of if you're heterosexual though, but you may be if you're homosexual or bisexual.
You're not going to be made fun of if you're heterosexual though, but you may be if you're homosexual or bisexual. So it's even more stupid turned around than is originally.
This is not true at all. You can still be made fun of in school even if you are heterosexual. You should perhaps read that question more literally. It brings to the forefront that no matter if your child is a homosexual or not they can still be bullied.
However on a side note I will agree frequent anal sex is in fact bad for you because it can lead to tissue damage and muscle damage. Your bum wasn't designed to take it every day .