This is like those w destroy the wall and mystery box game.I will make an enemy and you can cause damage.Please be real things and no nukes or atom bombs.
Heres the first enemy:
Amy the Tank! Hp:1000 Immune to:None Protection:None
Max the Mega Monster Max: 10,800HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection: Lightning rod. and army D Weakness: Fire, and greek mythology stuff. Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses
Alpha: one man cannot send a living creature to hell i am afraid your powers are to little for that.
Max the Mega Monster Max: 10,200HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection: Lightning rod. and army D Weakness: Fire, and greek mythology stuff. Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses
alpha: that's too small and he doesn't catch fire that easily hob: max doesn't believe that his wife would have an afair with such an ugly beast that is probably his own (?) Remo: omg! it is an epic battle that deal 400 damage on max until he cuts off the hydra's legs (which he can't grow back) and throws him into the distance doom: 200 damage
Ill show him. Ill get enough manticores, scyallas, toxytes, hoplites, pegesi to not quite be cosidered an army if it had 3 more units and zeus to destroy him so that im two men short of an army yet still have lots of guys.
Max the Mega Monster Max: 9,200HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection: Lightning rod. and army D Weakness: Fire. Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses
cabera: 600 damage but after the battle he is not weak to greek mytholgy anymore Remo: Max is surrounded by flame! dealing 100 damage before huff, huff he blows it out like a candle. hob: 400 lets have a review shall we. (hope that works)