This is like those w destroy the wall and mystery box game.I will make an enemy and you can cause damage.Please be real things and no nukes or atom bombs.
Heres the first enemy:
Amy the Tank! Hp:1000 Immune to:None Protection:None
Max the Mega Monster Max: 1,700HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection:Wards casted around him by Will Weakness:Need to be discovered Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses
Doom:I havent, but i know about the game, Max gives the Big Dady a little sister with lots of ADAM so he doesnt attack him. Sonic:I was talking about the gravity gun from Half-Life2, Sora is still recovering his memories and Riku is fighting his clone Dale:Put a link next time, 300 damage
Max the Mega Monster Max: 1,700HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection:Wards casted around him by Will Weakness:Need to be discovered Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses
Sonic: I dont have it, Will is dead, you fail Guisman: You cant even throw it, Goku sues you for using his attack Whim. Max avoids the attack, but it smells so bad he recives 200 damage Dale:You deal 100 damage
I call the U.N., say that max is a threat, they get all the tanks and soldiers and start shooting at him. Air planes come and bomb him, battle ships rain shells on him and every one fires.
I summon the mythical hydra,skylla,chimera,manticore(the Greek sphinx), nemean lion,minotaur and all the other myth creatures from the Greek mythology(it would take a lifetime to tell them all).Itell them to attack max and army f!
Max the Mega Monster Max: 1,700HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection:Wards casted around him by Will Weakness:Need to be discovered Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses, catapults
Ryonic: Swallows you but he doesnt like your taste so he vomits you Mahrines; Read the description of Max Dakota:200 damage Sonic: 100 damade, and they fight each other Dale: OVER 9000!!! needles, 300 damage Doom: An epic battle of monsters developes, like the movie that will come out in 2010, 500 damage