This is like those w destroy the wall and mystery box game.I will make an enemy and you can cause damage.Please be real things and no nukes or atom bombs.
Heres the first enemy:
Amy the Tank! Hp:1000 Immune to:None Protection:None
Max the Mega Monster Max: 3,600HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection: Army F and a roman legion Weakness:Need to be discovered Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses
Dakota: You deal him 500 damage, but now Max is friend of Tesla and Tesla doesnt want to use his discoverys against Max. Sonic the tornado is small and Max fly away from it. Daleksparta: Your spell caught him in mid air and he falls 300 damage.
Will the chaotic anarchist hp:1200 Immune: atomic bombs, mass chaos, etc. protection: wall of terror "split atoms multiple at 1/millionth of a second creating a shield that can't be conquered".
Max the Mega Monster Max: 3,600HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection:Wards casted around him by Will Weakness:Need to be discovered Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses
Will the chaotic anarchist hp:1200 Immune: atomic bombs, mass chaos, etc. He will heal Max 300 hp randomly
Adios:That cant be done in this game, but Max gains the trust of will and now is on his side. Sonic:Only the dash worked, will casted wars against Max, 200 damage Dalek:For beign a multi targetng spell you damage both, 200 damage Guisman:He flies and avoids the attack Thomas: Army F is destroyed while fighting the legion, and Max runs scapig from Rome, his pride is hurt so he recives 400 damage.
Max the Mega Monster Max: 2,800HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. From the poisons and radiation you have spread upon max he has grown wing and can fly! Protection:Wards casted around him by Will Weakness:Need to be discovered Immunities: most poisons, acid, many viruses
Will the chaotic anarchist hp:1000 Immune: atomic bombs, mass chaos, etc. He will heal Max 300 hp randomly