This is like those w destroy the wall and mystery box game.I will make an enemy and you can cause damage.Please be real things and no nukes or atom bombs.
Heres the first enemy:
Amy the Tank! Hp:1000 Immune to:None Protection:None
*Sigh* I'm neutral, and I'm taking out a black hole and your blimp is in it.
If you insist on keeping it, then fine:
BlackSoldier's Tank 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 HP Does 1,000,000,000,000,000 X damage to Broo's Blimp Controlled by no-one except me. Self destructs when Broo's blimp is destroyed.- Can't attack anything except Broo's Blimp.-Immune to everything that came from one of Broo's thoughts.
Hmm... as well, what protects you from the good guys, the bad guys, blah, blah, blah.
BlackSoldier's Tank 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 HP Does 1,000,000,000,000,000 X damage to Broo's Blimp Controlled by no-one except me. Self destructs when Broo's blimp is destroyed.- Can't attack anything except Broo's Blimp.-Immune to everything that came from one of Broo's thoughts.
Shoots out Time beam which leads to a little event called HINDEMBURG
Will the lich Will:22,500 HP Description: Stick with medieval themed ways to attack. Dont use weapons of Mass destruction and Chuck Norris Protection:Magical Wards Weakness:Needs to be discovered Immunities:Catapults,SHOOP DA WHOOP,Numbers superiors to 1500,fire
Sonic:Will sends them to another dimension xAyjAy:40 damage, dont use fire Brooo007:A random enemy who still hasnt showed up yet destroys the amulets Blacksoldier:Its super efective! you destroyed the blimp
i see the amulets and think they are bombs i throw them down a volcano and seal it after they are all in the work a speel so any more are automaticlky transported into it.
(Finally back..) I take a squad of archers into my bunker and fire from it with bows as my archers do the same. As the firing continues I have my squir, who showed up with the archers, make black powder exploding arrows for me to shoot [still medeval, they had those].