So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
There should be super units too, maybe a few per government - like the Librarian from Warhammer, for example. Extra-powerful units, government-exclusive - maybe influence and resources to make 'em?
I think that there need to be more government specific buildings and units, and with more buildings I'd say that there should be one more building space.
I also agree with firetail that there should be main building upgrades. I also think that there should be general unit and vehicle upgrades. All upgrades would be managed through the main buildng without having to build another separate upgrade building.
I think that the influence factor should be better incorporated, maybe there should be really strong units you can make that would cost 25 influence, along with other resources.
what i hate hum.. hackers [b]I HAVE BEEN HACKED 3 TIMES and quiters that has cost me atlest 20 games then theres the jew haters im not a jew but still jew hate is the last thing i wanna here.and last is the dam retarded noobs who won't play right and make you do eveything.P.S i am rank 5 on the game