So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
AnbuHank, I wasn't talking about the level of thought that goes into making a strategy. I never even wanted to talk about the thought in Colony because it's second nature to me, which voids all comments on take on the subject. I was talking about the level of skill that different styles use.
POS, my examples were on the opposite sides of the spectrum. That is why it seemed like I was exaggerating. I just don't want to go into that topic right now. I will if you want me to. (sigh)
AnbuHank, I wasn't talking about the level of thought that goes into making a strategy. I never even wanted to talk about the thought in Colony because it's second nature to me, which voids all comments on take on the subject. I was talking about the level of skill that different styles use.
Sorry Yos. I understand what you're trying to say now.
So.. The Foxer build(s) are build(s) that are made to exploit the game's imbalances? That sounds hard to counter.
I don't think they're specifically MADE to exploit imbalances. That's too much of an exaggeration (which is what I meant). The builds are EFFECTED by game imbalances, which make them even more powerful, but they still would've been good builds anyway.
Well Hank, it's almost impossible to beat because of the 14 transitions it has. The only way to beat it is if the user misreads your play, but even then its a long shot. Even with my advanced mechanics, I can only break the first contain 6% of the time, but the battle takes so long that the user will have enough influence to summon any influ-unit.
Well Hank, it's almost impossible to beat because of the 14 transitions it has.
14 transitions huh? I've saw Waldo using a build similar to a Foxer build. Oh my god.. It was hell. I've only beaten him once because he misread my build. Afterwards, he won the rest of the games. He was monarchy, so he was able to deploy lots of influence units and deploy almost any units he wanted to counter my forces. I'd say that the chances of you beating the Foxer build is 10% or less. It depends on your build. Beating the Foxer build requires lots of luck and skill. When I was playing against a Foxer build, it was still experimental at the time. I can't imagine how deadly that build is nowadays.
So who uses the Foxer build nowadays, and what government is it needed to play the Foxer build?
The Foxer is derived from a playstyle called Abstract Exploitation. It's like Exploiting, but not in the form of bugs. The Foxer only countered by a Foxer, which means beating it will be a pretty boring game, but long and epic. I not going to the whole world what the Foxer Build is because everyone will be doing it.