So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
colony is my fav game! i will tell u something about colony: blabla... blablabla...blablabla.......blablablabla...and blablabla,everything understanded??. goood
i was just thinking of what i used to do and i thought up a suggestion. They should make random games where game setting teamates and what team your are decided randomly.
no commercializing on armor games > and nice to see you derp :O
and to the best comeback..... my base was dead but i still had a phantom out and they had snipers and whatnot and i continued making phantoms and other random stuff to get them away from my stuff and i killed their base :O ~best comeback evar~ YOU try winning after your base is dead >
the same glitches theres been for the past couple of months.
I havent seen many hackers or glitchers recently... it seems like they only do it against people who dont so that they win but when we all left they couldnt do anything xD
hmmmmph quite the statement chess but ur a bit off. yes, all the old bugs NO patches have been made. in fact a few new bugs have been found. there R still hackers and glitchers only their numbers have decreased and their hunting hours and days have changed...