So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
I don't think 1v1 is unbalanced considering the fact that you can choose whatever build you want to use and also it is all down to the players capabilities with micro and what not. Not unbalanced just not non experienced player friendly. Lol.
I didn't Post them because the settings I was using at the time sucked. Those were test games for the recording anyway.
AVI files can not excede 2GB, which is why the other games never saved. I have the perfect settings now where I can record for 2 hours and 40 minutes at 200 frames per second fullscreen.
Game 2 was small enough, but my screen frooze so I didn't want to upload that. I probraly still have it in my recycle bin if you really want an unfinished game uploaded.