So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
There are other reasons why I don't like your list. I don't see what makes you list most simple than my list.
there is less and leves less chances of the game becomeing rediculosly umbalanced. and if u have any improvement sugestions for improvement, pleese put them on my profile page.
the roman body was donated thus, it costs no money :P
No that's not it, they materialized out of thin air because they were sent from the past in the -23894756 dimension in the middle of a war with giant man eating tissue boxes from space!
I need feedback on the current plan, remember you don't have to help if you don't want want to. Don't worry about the armor modifiers, you won't understand them. Basically changes in the Light and Titanium armors are to allow Missiles and Black Queens 1-shot these units. The Composite armor changes make the Sphinx stronger.
The Meditec range decrease is to make auto-win pins harder to setup.
Many people wonder why Monarchy is getting so many resources. With the Special Operations change, Monarchy will need some way to defend/attack/harass in the early-game.
i gave you my opinion, and its half on my page. you realy need to cut down on ideas and remember what your trying to do and ONLYdo those things:
1.increace the power of com. 2.increase the power of fac. 3.4. improve: grondzit, sacata, glad, far. 5. nerf: saint, opps(building), bqs, C tank, post, arsenel(building).
that should do it. and any little extra things can be added. yos both your list and my cut one are too long. you really need less
If you just change what need to be done, the game will be imbalanced. There are so many variables in an RTS game, and changing 1 of them will mess with something on the other side of the spectrum. My list attempts to address this factor.
If you just change what need to be done, the game will be imbalanced. There are so many variables in an RTS game, and changing 1 of them will mess with something on the other side of the spectrum. My list attempts to address this factor.
and thats were your rong. sorry yos, but had to say it. ill explain to you how this will probs work: 1. the pro community is happpy with the list. 2. we wait for an a propreate time to suggest our **SIMPLE** update to him. 3. he aggrees or dissagrees. asuming he says yes: 4. the updates are made, mabye with a slight change from krim himself. 5. we lern the truth that:
the game will never be truely fair or balanced. but nor is real life, and at least (hopefuly) it is more balanced than before.
Colony's balance issues are found within the design (basic meta-game). I wouldn't have spent over a year planning a solution if the problem was just a list of bugs. You say Grodtiz needs to be used more, but then say give it more health or make it missile-resistant. I can say the same thing about Sakata Spiders, but this idea of giving a unit more X or make it stronger versus Y shows everyone that you have little knowledge of RTS games at the design level. You need to think about the other 20 units, 27 weapons, etc.
yes. so as you were saying, grodtiz. knowbody will dey they are weak and under used.
so, lets say grodtizs are the only problem, a balance plan would idealy:
-make grodtiz stronger -not make gronditz op
the second one of theise is a harder thing to do.
take into account the other 10 or so imbalances. i totaly agree with yos.
your way of fixing the problem is very different to mine. from what i gather you want to: create a sencond balance to fix the first one.
but this leave a domino effectas your profile clearly shows. your trying to fix non existant problems, that only occur when you over dose the first balance.
and you know you have over done some of te balances. eg:cron tanks and spec opps. ask you self after every balance, is this realy nessasery, and am i actualy fixing an imbalance. for exsample:
reduseing influ cap to 150?, what problem does that solve.
go back and look your list over. youve missed some HUGE imbalances, like the commie splash imbalance. it would make a huge difference, or if we created an extra sub gov. money com and influ com, so you could degside what you got from a kill.
but any way, alot of the balances are great ideas, just you have hugely over balanced them... like 25% of com energy and manpower.
i suggest you scale down the main balances and ditch the useless ones... but we realy need to try it out or we cant be certain.
but if you stick with what you say you have way to many changes for a balance plan, yos. either scale down or wait for colony 2