So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
The easy way to beat mission 5 is armory, outpost, armory, outpost.
Keep spaming the basic tank and marines on rally, eventually you will have 30+ tanks, push your army forward with one outpost auto tanks and the other auto marines without rally.
If anyone would like to help me patch up hacks, see if you can find out how they are done. Look around forums. Sometimes the hackers will only tell/give you their hacks through PMs so if anyone is able to get their hands on a working hack, send me the details to and I can get it fixed up
Otherwise just gather as much data as you can when you see a hacker. Specifically:
What building they have. What units they made. How many they made. How fast they made them. Screenshots.
Also make sure it's actually a hack, and not a really good Fascist player :P
In any case, once we move to SmartFox I have a new anti-hack plan that should prevent legitimate players from being affected by hackers. This will be done by basically checking if what the other player is doing is physically possible, from within each client. So even if there are hackers, no one will be negatively affected.
I don't have a screenshot for this but i know it's a hack. I joined a game called hacks only thinking it was a joke, oh how wrong i was. This guy builds just an armory, and then builds 2 blackqueens simultaniously one after another. He got like 100 and then fired at my base and then we lost. Left quite a distortion of pixels there. Looked like a hole lol.