So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
Hello all, I have discovered a very serious bug that is game breaking.
It all starts with a generator. A mere generator does not cause the bug, it is caused when I upgrade the generator to a solar grid. Yes, a solar grid.
Herein lies the problem, " solar grid."
As anyone with a keen eye can tell you, there is no sun on the battlefield, and thus, there is no way for a solar grid to create energy. Therefore, this bug that somehow makes them generate energy from nothing is completely gamebreaking and is indeed in need of a hotfix as soon as possible. To keep this bug in the game will cause much frustration to us legit logic players. Please fix this.
It appears to be sunset, and perhaps they're very very very very (10 days later) very very very STRONG solar panels to generate energy from the little sun that is available ... If it was night we'd have...BLIND COLONY! A NEW GAME WHERE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IF YOU LOST YOUR ARMY OR BASE!