ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

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A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
9,504 posts

If you were thinking Sweedish, Cenere will kick you.

3,137 posts

really i was thinking jibberish. but just for the sake of it. My second guess was sweedish

9,504 posts

[quote=Cenere in English (more or less]I write in Danish Clay of the terms of the Linguistic joke perhaps[/quote]

This is what I got...? This definitely IS lulz right here. The reason why we can't have multilingualism in AG right here hahaha

13,657 posts

My second guess was sweedish

I am somewhat amused by that very, very bad translation.

I write in Danish
Laugh at your expressions
Linguistic/Language joke perhaps

I have very little to lol about, so I take what I get.
42 posts

XVERB did you just say "swedish" with two ee's? Hehe i am from sweden so i think it is pretty weird if you write it with 2 ee's even if it is not weird for you to say.

2,180 posts

My greatest triumph:
A goose-stepping class for that
Fuhrer of a coach.

1,495 posts

So what IS lulz? I still wanna know >:O

13,657 posts

So what IS lulz? I still wanna know >:O

You are on the internet. Learn to google?
Learn to urban dictionary?

Beginning as a plural variant of lol, Lulz was originally an exclamation but is now often used as a noun meaning interesting or funny internet content.
Lol -> lul; lols -> luls; lolz -> lulz.

Lulz is the one good reason to do anything, from trolling to ra/pe. After every action taken, you must make the epilogic dubious disclaimer: "I did it for the lulz".

This has been pioneered by encyclopedia dramatica, famous for posting a fake craigslist add and then listing the personal info of those who responded.
1,495 posts

Lulz,oh the laughter
I lulz when I hear a joke
To amuse myself

9,504 posts

I am somewhat amused by that very, very bad translation.

Can't blame online translation sites. It's either hit/miss with each phrase. At least I got 2 sets right, you gotta gimme that much!

Oh, and you forgot to kick him
164 posts

They all say they lulz
But are they really laughing?
Nope, probably not

3,137 posts

XVERB did you just say "swedish" with two ee's? Hehe i am from sweden so i think it is pretty weird if you write it with 2 ee's even if it is not weird for you to say.

well i can't spell worth my life. but i can sound words out so when i think of Sweden i think of two e's
42 posts

Sorry if you thought it was rude of me to say that, i just thought it looked funny with 2 e's ^^.

4,220 posts

Entries are closed. Judging will commence immediately.

4,220 posts

Contrary to Dudeguys prediction, and my suspicions, this turned out rather well. Let me start out with a little twist.

And I think I'll go back to my original style of judging. That was far more interesting, was it not?

Conversation Award: Sweedish? - Freakenstein, XVERB, Cenere, and SlimyGames

Seriously, that was hilarious. It deserves it's own award for funny, in a subliminal kind of way.

Now for seriousness. On a nonserious theme which was totally thought up in about 3 seconds. Lol. I'm not really sure whether or not to count the initial entries. They only got entry-ish after I gave an explanation. No, I won't count them, unless the author asks me to.

Egos = Lulz? - Graham

The theme is alright.
Egos don't squander the lulz
Lulz wins in the end

Yes, lulz does win in the end. Because they are funny. You get the idea. And the haiku was good, too. That makes it even more good. In a funny way. PS: Glad you thought my random theme was alright.

That Was Random Award - Marioman

I love baked beans, but
they make me constipated
Oh no, hemorrhoids!

Yes it was. From loving baked beans (which are awesome) to having hemorrhoids. That was actually funny.

Dur Is Very Funny Award - Beastahayes

Lulz won't make me lolz
dur is funnier than lulz
you couldn't say drot?

Yes it is. In context, of course. And this was in context. Sort of.

Yes I Am - Pois0nArr0w

I see you back there
Nothing I said was funny
You aren't laughing

Yes I am laughing. In real life. That is very funny. And a good haiku to boot.

I'm On Fire Award - MrAutomatic

You're hilarious
But I am quite sarcastic
Tee-hee, you got burned

Not literally. And I love sarcastic people. They remind me of me. That was sarcastic. And yes I am hilarious, don't deny it. (not really)

That Was Random 2 Award - Yodadude

Lulz I like apples
Lulz I like fresh bananas
Lulz,lulz, what is lulz?

Lulz is what you wrote. That was very lulzy.

Okaay . . . . Award - Freakenstein

Ceiling Cat and Steve,
After a snorting contest,
Went orca fishing.

That was so random I laughed quite hard . . . Win. That was win.

I have a language problem . . . . - Cenere

Jeg skriver paa dansk
Ler af de udtryk I har
Sproglig joke maaske

That was interesting. I don't know a word you said. But I learned a bit of syllable counting from it.

I Don't Know What To call This Award - Parsat

My greatest triumph:
A goose-stepping class for that
Fuhrer of a coach.

That was weird . . . .

You're a Completely e-Narcissist - Lige/DustyGonzongas

Lige is so awesome
You will never be as cool
so please stop trying

-.- I will never stop trying. I don't need to, for I have succeeded!

True Award - Teeheegirl123

They all say they lulz
But are they really laughing?
Nope, probably not

That's true most of the time. Although sometimes we do lul.

That's all for the awards for everyone. I did peoples first/actual entry, because some people posted 2 haikus. Say which one is your entry, or I count the first.

Next is the placement. I'll do a top four this time around.

Bronze Award - Lige/DustyGonzongas

Lige is so awesome
You will never be as cool
so please stop trying

Why I'm placing this is beyond me . . . .

Silver Award - Cenere

Jeg skriver paa dansk
Ler af de udtryk I har
Sproglig joke maaske

Despite not knowing a thing about Danish, I still did laugh.

Gold Award - Parsat

My greatest triumph:
A goose-stepping class for that
Fuhrer of a coach.

Despite being weird, that was funny and slightly poetic at the same time.

Platinum/Lulzy Award - Freakenstein

Ceiling Cat and Steve,
After a snorting contest,
Went orca fishing.

I literally laughed quite hard. No joke. This was epic.

That wraps it up for judging. I guess the next theme won't be ridiculous, seeing as no one really liked it. It was still very fun to judge, being lighthearted and all. Serious topics are less fun.

And if there are any objections, contact me on my profile. I'll try to see them resolved.

And all of them were funny in some way or another.

Next theme is Mastery of Water, unless anyone objects.

Dudeguy will judge.

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