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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

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A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
9,504 posts

Master of Deceit,
Why did you make me this way?
His death was by rock!

Small error. This is the real one
4,005 posts

Anger fueled his choice
Explosion sent the bullet
On a course through time

Just a quicky, but I was using the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, which ignited the first world war, as my inspiration.

1,813 posts

Hey guys, I'm getting on judging now.
As usual, I may decide I'm too tired by two in the morning and go to bed, but don't worry, judging'll be up tomorrow.
You know, these elaborate judgings aren't toll free; just thinking about judging makes me sleepy.

3,437 posts

I've stopped questioning this midnight judging thing

2,492 posts

You know, these elaborate judgings aren't toll free; just thinking about judging makes me sleepy.

Oh yes, I know what you mean.

If you miss mentioning one person, you'll have them at your throat LOL
9,504 posts

If you miss mentioning one person, you'll have them at your throat LOL

I'm sorry!! *FROWN* :-[

Fallen, it may be better to judge when you are at your peak of activity. If you judge when you're late at night and sleepy, well....
3,035 posts

I don't think he actually judged at midnight, as he posted that eight hours ago....

2,492 posts

I'm sorry!! *FROWN* :-[

I'm just kidding ;D

Well, a couple of my efforts were rather half-assed, I admit. :P

And I'm still anticipating to see the judging (I know that sentence made barely any sense...)
1,813 posts

No problem Fallen. It's always better to be sober when you are going to judge something. Besides, some users that have not yet entered the contest might use this extra time to write a Haiku, and it is always good to have more people participating in this thread.

Yes, indeed.

I've stopped questioning this midnight judging thing

Me too, that's why I'm still doing it. Works for me, works for you, everyone's happy in late land.
Yeah, I'm sorry to be such a late judge, at least my judgings are worth it right...right?

Fallen, it may be better to judge when you are at your peak of activity. If you judge when you're late at night and sleepy, well....

Don't underestimate my internal clock. It's loaded chock-full of coffee so the hands can slap me in the face when I face palm on my keyboard...Wait, did that make any sense?

I don't think he actually judged at midnight, as he posted that eight hours ago....

I started!

Now, just a little update because I know you're all very eager to hear the results, which by the way will be brought here veeeeeeery soon.
SO yeah, I started and almost finished this morn but I was called for an emergency shift; it gets pretty crazy these days in the restaurants for god knows why...
I work in a 24/7 and I just finished but I just couldn't let you guys like this so here I am, tired as hell and updating you on what's what and whatnot whatsoever, whatever...
Judging'll be up tomorrow.
If it's not, I give the right to any admin/mod/pretty cool user to kick me of my post, it's not like I wouldn't have deserved it.
Please bear with me, I know how it is and I am deeply sorry for this unremarkable delay.


1,813 posts

As promised, here's the judging! Hurray for me, I'm on vacation for a week!
This one was made with all my heart, enjoy.

The Philip K.Literal award; halogunner

the liquids bubble
the mass of plasma vibrates
speeding reactions

Another little popular reference. I was expecting someone to make a chemistry related Haiku. Well, this couldn't be a more literal use of the theme so I guess you're commendable in that perspective. Good Haiku.

The it makes sense award; 1337Player

The way it changes,
heat emitting from the core.

I'm sure you realised by now that all this search wasn't really necessary right; I wouldn't be so harsh as to give themes that require specific knowings in a discipline, especially one such as chemistry. Well, it's true that heat is an excellent catalyst, it most certainly is the most used one even in our common daily activities. Nice Haiku.

The Haste's a Waste award; BlackSkullDragon

The world must change now,
Speeding things up will not work.
You made it all worse.

You turned the theme around to prove that a catalyst may not always be a positive one, whether we like it or not. The catalyst is what will endow a situation with a reaction, or a reaction with evolution, which you demonstrate here. Good job.

The Sunday, Bloody Sunday award; HahiHa

Clashing of powers
The razing hatred and blood
Make men blind and deaf

I guess you're mostly referring to war, although to me, the last line also strongly evokes politics. All in all, it's a grueling ball of human flaws, dancing and making us grow in an ugly fashion. Power often brings the urge to gain even more of it, so is the way of the men! Nice Haiku.

The ''An example of no less value'' award; Me, um...I mean; Fallen

Wuthering wind is
Weighting on the frail red leaves;
Bringing them to ground

I'm not narcissistic enough to comment my own Haiku, but I think it is fairly good for a quick example; I'll leave it to you to appreciate it!

The ghastly spin award; wolf1991

Typhoon of struggle
Lashing the battered shoreline
Leaving husks behind

That's quite a nice entry, combining nature with the theme. I expected no less from you wolf, no pressure intended of course. I like how you use nature as a catalyst - let alone a metaphor - to grind life down and change it to death, however insignificant the life in question may be. Change, reactions, evolution...All words to describe our world's motion, all catalysts to mutate our very own existences, from life to death to yet life again and anew. Good going Wolf.

The Whaaaa? award; imogwai

What time is it now
I dunno I ate my clock
Tasted like five seals

This is a prized award around here; belongs to whoever writes to most random Haiku of all. I can't make any sense out of this so I guess I'll just leave it at what the award so openly conveyed. My advice would be to...follow the actual theme!?

The unilateral award; MrPockets

Time is a slow drum
A long slow tireless beat
Beating for the end

That's a pretty sluggish Haiku you know. The rhythm ticks me off a little you see; using slow more than once, and beat just before beating; it sets up a pretty awkward flow if you ask me, it is not quite fluent and has a funny pace. I like the idea, but it's overall very monotonous isn't it? Try to add some life to it next time! Nice try nonetheless; I hope you'll write more Haikus here.

The rush hour award; KingLemon

The light turns yellow
I panic, hitting the gas;
a cop was watching

That's what I was getting at when I said that the theme should be applied to everyday situations. A remarkable example of what I meant here, where the light nearing its red state urges the driver to speed up! That's a good submission, but frankly speaking, I liked the very first one a lot more. I know you doubted its legitimateness, in my opinion you were spot-on.

The logical plea award; Zoark

Chipping away faith
The thinker announces birth
Crestfallen knowledge

That's quite an interesting Haiku you got there. Always the intricate road; you don't throw an homogeneous idea, but rather group of propositions tied only by the deductions we can make out of theme. It leaves place to a lot of thinking, which I suppose is one of the major trend of your Haikus. It evokes me the age of enlightenment that spurred so many philosophers into eluding the oppressive and clogging ways of hardened and zealous religions. It especially makes me think of that good old Nietzsche, who proclaimed high and loud the Death of God. Should I interpret thinking to be a catalyst to attain reason here? You wil be the one the enlighten me more about that. In any case, very good Haiku Zoark.

The History teacher award; thepossum

Through revolution,
We became a republic.
Sparking change in France.

Reminds me of history classes, oh god...Well, it's a very good use of the theme; I like how you used an historical feat to adapt this week's subject into something more than a chemistry term, it was pretty wise of you. Nice job Possum!

The ''I'm about to create a grahamish award'' award; Graham

Only angst fetters
me to ennui. Alas! Look

A remarkably thought-satisfying piece yet again Graham. Strangely fluent and consistent, even with the use of such punctuation; I commend you for that. It's a little straightforwardly but I like the invitation it proposes. A vicarious perspective is often worth a thousand of subjective ones. As for the rest, it's interesting how you composed the Haiku in such a way that you imply you'd not be engrossed in boredom if it wasn't for this tedious blahs; it's as if it pains you more that depression chains you to boredom than the fact it keeps you away from merriness. Nice job as ever Graham!

The Land of confusion award; shayneii

Waves lash a worn shore,
Stone walls wither in disdain,
Carves chiseled landscape

Regarding the theme, it's a pretty good submission you got there. If there's a more universal catalyst than temperature, it most certainly is time itself; causes the water to digest even rock and the wind to grind mountains down to sand. It's another very good entry.

The ''She broke her little bones on the boulders below'' award; Freakenstein

Master of Deceit,
Why did you make me this way?
His death was by rock!

I...have trouble getting at where you wanted to take me. I'm quite puzzled as to what should I say as well...Did you...try to imply that you've been deceived into killing someone? I'm a little clueless; it may just be that it's a little too subjective for me to grasp what you meant, and I'm sorry I can't do better than wonder. I hope you'll let me know about your Haiku.

The Bullet in a bi...archduke award; MRWalker82

Anger fueled his choice
Explosion sent the bullet
On a course through time

''On a course through time''...Hahaha...That, that is brilliant, kudos. It is indeed appalling to think that the wrath of one man caused such a large scale hecatomb. It's remarkable how you formulated that last line; it makes the bullet more than just a speck of metal; it's the war, the slaughter and the ravages it has caused overtime that you've pictured here with this bullet, and for that, I say to you: Bravo!

This has been pretty long and tiresome, but oh god am I glad it's done. I think I made a good job...Now for the winner and the special mentions. It was hard to choose yet again, as we have so many good regulars here, and it pains me that we can't give out more than a merit know, you're good guys!

And the winner of the merit is; wolf1991!!

Typhoon of struggle
Lashing the battered shoreline
Leaving husks behind

Finally, your time to shine is at hand. Now, why did you win? As Shayneii did, I feel you made the most out of the theme while keeping a nature oriented perspective, which as you know is a winning factor in a Haiku. You described mother nature as an omnipotent catalyst, lashing at the very essence of our frail lives; the giver AND the taker might I add. A magnificent feat of poetry given the theme. Kudos for your efforts, and keep'em coming. Now go fetch your merit.

This week's choice was really bothersome to make, and it wouldn't feel right to not mention the others who put up superb performances. Here are all the ones who could as easily have won as wolf; Zoark, MRWalker82, Shayneii (Who won last time but his Haiku deserved a mention.). I'd also like to point out Graham and thepossum for their great Haikus.

Next week's theme is: FRICTION BURN!....Wait what? It's not good? Why!?...Oh okay, next week's theme is: Autumn, I hope you like it as much as I do since it's my favorite season!

Good work everyone, see you next week and until then, Happy Haikuing!

3,437 posts

Now go fetch your merit.

No pun intended I hope
1,813 posts

No pun intended I hope

Don't you go paranoiac on me wolf!
Of course there was no pun intended...But now that you mention it, and given the circumstances, it does sound a little funny ha...haha...

3,437 posts

'>.> *sighs* this is first time on this site used a dog pun on me...

1,813 posts

'>.> *sighs* this is first time on this site used a dog pun on me...

You can thank your armatar for that!

9,504 posts

Oh dear... Maybe I should have explained what my haiku meant. I acted out Cain and Abel's little "event" and Cain's jealousy towards Abel.

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