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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

5299 3073414
6,800 posts

A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
6,800 posts

[b]The Glorious Dead[/i]

Born to kill, we charge
At the yellow trenches and
Are struck down by Mars.

4,170 posts

I don't know any of you judges personally but this place is in disarray. In the past 10 days or so there's been a handful of submissions, and I don't really know what for. At first there was the fear mongering theme, then the light at the end of the tunnel theme with no judging? What? Murasaki, it's frowned upon when the theme is changed with little reason. Your reason was that the submissions were depressing, or something along those lines. Well, with a theme like fear mongering, they ought to be somewhat depressing, or at least some of them should be. That's how the participants try to show the theme in their haiku. I also don't get how there isn't any communication or organization. For the ASC, I talk to Cen all the time, and I talk to the participants whenever they have a question. Killersup is aiming for a judging position, so I'm training him. You can't really run something like this with no communication between the judges and participants. Also, interest is way down, and I don't want to participate myself because the judging hasn't been in-depth or useful. Only 2 sentences? That doesn't make any sense. When I liked entering this I would at least get a paragraph of useful information on how I didn't win and how I could improve myself; it was great criticism. I only won one time, and when I did I was ecstatic. Now, if I were to enter and win, I doubt I'd have such a feel because I wouldn't really know why my submission was better than the others. I would be happy if I won now, sure, but that feeling is gone. I highly recommend you two get your stuff together, get to judging on time and be sure you make this contest worthy of participation again. That brings me to another thing; you guys have been late on the judging. You guys were chosen for judging because you were on and weren't doing anything else. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys are all on at least once a day, yet you can't take a half-hour to judge 4 or 5 poems? Why not? Am I missing something? If you're really that busy, you need to ask someone who has the skill and time and responsibility to carry this on their shoulders. There are several long-time participants who would die for a job like this, and the way you guys treat it is disheartening.

You guys have seen me around. It's not easy to disappoint me, yet you have. Please try to improve this thing.

1,388 posts

Salvidian, the only thing I have to say to you is that we are not getting paid for this. Don't expect the work of a paid judge by judges who aren't getting paid.
Additionally, I changed the theme because I wanted to. There's nothing wrong with it. It wasn't arbitrary. I had good reason. I'm the judge. I didn't break a rule. And I hope you don't include me in the same group as all the judges who have gone before me and spent weeks to get the results in. The contest doesn't end until Nov. 12th and I have every intention to have the results ready by Nov. 13th. I am not a procrastinator. Don't say 'you two'. I am not happy about this. I've never judged this contest before and you're already saying I should get my act together. All that said, don't post on my profile again.

4,170 posts

Salvidian, the only thing I have to say to you is that we are not getting paid for this. Don't expect the work of a paid judge by judges who aren't getting paid.

Do mods get paid? Of course not, yet they have to reach a certain standard in their moderation. They're required to fulfill certain duties, and you do too.

Additionally, I changed the theme because I wanted to. There's nothing wrong with it. It wasn't arbitrary. I had good reason. I'm the judge. I didn't break a rule.

But you didn't really have a good reason. You changed the reason, and I quote, because People don't like the one I chose because the last ones were kind of depressing. Like I said in my prior post here, some themes will require different emotional qualities, such as depression. You can't change it to allow Shock to participate. It's his choice if he wants to or not. By changing it, you immediately forced everyone who was drafting to give up and start over. If you realized you're in a pattern of depression related themes, then you should have waited until this one was up and then begin a new one.

And I hope you don't include me in the same group as all the judges who have gone before me and spent weeks to get the results in. The contest doesn't end until Nov. 12th and I have every intention to have the results ready by Nov. 13th. I am not a procrastinator. Don't say 'you two'. I am not happy about this. I've never judged this contest before and you're already saying I should get my act together. All that said, don't post on my profile again.

I didn't necessarily see you doing these things yet, but I'm not convinced. Overall, I'll have to wait until the judging is done on time to formulate my final opinion, but, for now, you haven't convinced me.
13,657 posts

Wow, nice fighting there. While I do agree it is bad form to change the theme in the middle of the round due to the time and effort that the people making the entries might have spent, it's kinda, well... If the judge isn't comfortable judging a theme they did not choose themselves, it will not be a good judging anyway.
It's like me and judging that collage thing. It just doesn't work out to anyone's favour.

Besides that, the writing contests seems to be suffering from "too-long-too-holy-itis" which the ASC also ended up having, where no one really bothers doing too much effort on anything. A new judge might not change anything, but discouraging them on their first few days, when they already have no prior experience but the one you are giving them, certainly cannot be a good way of introducing them to the whole thing.
Just like screaming "I HATE YOU CEN YOU ****ING GAY NAZI ***" at a new mod (why they would scream Cen at them, I don't know, but as a example...) in their first week most likely will make the mod hitting people with sticks for doing nothing but looking at them stupidly.
It does not go for good welcoming, and pre-judging because of rookie mistakes makes mods kinda want to stab you with sticks too, because it's annoying and creates unnecessary drama and stuff mods hate.

Anyway, just my 11pm thoughts on this. Cool down both of ya, you have been here long enough to become examples to the newbies, don't make them think fighting is a good plan.
I also really hope the censor works on that yelling...

9,438 posts

You can't change it to allow Shock to participate.

Ummm... he was never disallowed. Anyway, I don't consider the change to be special treatment or direct favoritism. If it were, she would've chosen "Through the hoop" and I would've said no.

While I do agree it is bad form to change the theme in the middle of the round due to the time and effort that the people making the entries might have spent, it's kinda, well...

If they can pump out a haiku on a new theme within 1 day, surely they could do one for a different theme over the following 13 days without much inconvenience. Still, I am so deeply saddened that 4 users (although 1 was off-theme and 2 were confused) wasted
9,438 posts

The heck? It only posted half of it.

Still, I am so deeply saddened that 4 users (although 1 was off-theme and 2 were confused) wasted

9,438 posts


wasted 10 minutes typing 3 lines, and for that, I am truly sorry.

If the judge isn't comfortable judging a theme they did not choose themselves, it will not be a good judging anyway.

I've had to do that. But nevermore*! Under the new system, the current judge picks the theme.

*unless someone quits during a round

I also really hope the censor works on that yelling...

I would've taken a screenshot if it didn't.
6,800 posts

Salvidian, the only thing I have to say to you is that we are not getting paid for this. Don't expect the work of a paid judge by judges who aren't getting paid.
Additionally, I changed the theme because I wanted to. There's nothing wrong with it. It wasn't arbitrary. I had good reason. I'm the judge. I didn't break a rule. And I hope you don't include me in the same group as all the judges who have gone before me and spent weeks to get the results in. The contest doesn't end until Nov. 12th and I have every intention to have the results ready by Nov. 13th. I am not a procrastinator. Don't say 'you two'. I am not happy about this. I've never judged this contest before and you're already saying I should get my act together. All that said, don't post on my profile again.

Of course you don't get paid. No one gets paid, except the admins. So that can't be used as an excuse for a lack-luster performance. You volunteer for the position, and as such its expected you will perform to a certain level. And if that means you love it, great. And if that means you have to suck it up, force a grin on your face, and just get the **** thing done, then do it. All that you're asked to do is to do it, and do it well. If you cant do that, than save yourself and the participants a heck of a lot of time and find someone else who can and will do it.

Further more, the fact that you have to change the theme mid-round because of yohr personal opinion on a haiku would suggest to me that not much forethought went into picking the theme in the first place.

I'm with Sal on this one. The fact that we even have to be having this discussion is pathetic enough. So I'll break social form here and just say that, should a need arise, I'm officially tossing my hat into the ring. For round four. Or is it five...?
3,087 posts

Still, I am so deeply saddened that 4 users (although 1 was off-theme and 2 were confused) wasted
Now you are really confusing me, so I have a question, is the them the light at the end of the tunnel/victory, or is it the light at the end of the tunnel, because I wrote my haiku on victory, but if I did it wrong, correct me so I can make a new one.

~~~Darth Caedus
1,388 posts

Now you are really confusing me, so I have a question, is the them the light at the end of the tunnel/victory, or is it the light at the end of the tunnel, because I wrote my haiku on victory, but if I did it wrong, correct me so I can make a new one.

Don't worry, Jacen96, your haiku is fine.

I wasn't saying that because I'm not getting paid that's my excuse for lackluster performance. I was just saying...Anyway, I haven't even produced lackluster performance because I haven't started judging yet, jeez.
1,388 posts

Oh, forgot to add, I'm not judging the next round. In fact, I don't think I want to judge ever again. For Maverick to say

Further more, the fact that you have to change the theme mid-round because of yohr personal opinion on a haiku would suggest to me that not much forethought went into picking the theme in the first place.
is really pushing it. I don't want to part of something like this. I did put a lot of effort into my first theme and the second theme. Just because I could change it quickly doesn't mean I didn't think about it.
For all of you who are upset with my current performance, I apologize for the sudden change in theme. As for those of you who think I might do a bad job judging, thank you. I'm glad you have confidence in me. I thought I was going to have fun with this, but I guess I was wrong.
So, to clear the air, sorry for my wacky theme change, sorry I seem lackluster, sorry for everything. Farewell.
177 posts

Oh, forgot to add, I'm not judging the next round. In fact, I don't think I want to judge ever again. For Maverick to say

Further more, the fact that you have to change the theme mid-round because of yohr personal opinion on a haiku would suggest to me that not much forethought went into picking the theme in the first place.

is really pushing it. I don't want to part of something like this. I did put a lot of effort into my first theme and the second theme. Just because I could change it quickly doesn't mean I didn't think about it.
For all of you who are upset with my current performance, I apologize for the sudden change in theme. As for those of you who think I might do a bad job judging, thank you. I'm glad you have confidence in me. I thought I was going to have fun with this, but I guess I was wrong.
So, to clear the air, sorry for my wacky theme change, sorry I seem lackluster, sorry for everything. Farewell.

Now you're disappointing me.

The sudden theme change wasn't a really big problem, mostly because you changed it right at the start, not 5 mins before the deadline. And haikus ain't that hard to make (unless you are upside down with a cat on your head. I tried that once.) .

No, you're disappointing me because you're leaving at the first critique or insult, be it right or wrong.

Now, let me cut in:

As I said up there, the theme change really wasn't a problem. But still, if you gonna change a theme, you need a good reason. In this, Salvidian was right, like in the criticism part.

I don't really see a lack of comunication there. When I asked, I got an answer. And if I asked more questions, I think I would get more answers.
Or you mean, like, tips on how to improve an haiku before the deadline?

And yeah, we don't really know if we get the judging before Judgement Day (pun COMPLETELY intentional) . Just wait and see.

And one last thing Salvidian, can I call you Sally?
3,517 posts

It's only been a month that I've been gone and already we're dealing with problems.

Murasaki, I have faith in you. Don't quit now. Plenty of times I was hated on, but I hung in there.

Keep this contest alive guys!

4,170 posts

I'm taking Cen's advice and will keep on a talk-to-me basis. Only on profiles. Otherwise, I'm leaving it to you guys to figure it out. There were too many misinterpretations that led to unnecessary headaches.

And one last thing Salvidian, can I call you Sally?

Don't care. Call me what you wish, so long as I know you're addressing me.
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