A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.
Well, that said, heres the rules:
1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)! 2) It must fit the weeks theme 3) It must be submitted before the deadline 4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written) 5) One Submission per user 6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)
Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...
The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond
[quote]Mav:Sure, but for future references, I'll use a dictionary to decide if the sylabuls are correct/incorrect. Just to avoid confusion.
Maybe he did that?[/quote]
Nooo! Somebody actually pays attention!
*sigh* I'll find a dictionary...
Main Entry: cam·era Pronunciation: \\kam-re, ka-mer-e\\ Function: noun Etymology: Late Latin, room â" more at chamber Date: 1712 1 : the treasury department of the papal curia 2 a : camera obscura b : a device that consists of a lightproof chamber with an aperture fitted with a lens and a shutter through which the image of an object is projected onto a surface for recording (as on film) or for translation into electrical impulses (as for television broadcast)
â" off camera 1 : while not being filmed by a television or movie camera <he's a different person off camera> 2 : outside the scope of a television or movie camera <sounds of gunfire taking place off camera>
â" on camera 1 : before a live television camera <go on camera>; also : while being filmed by a television or movie camera <looked relaxed on camera> 2 : within the scope of a television or movie camera <you can hear a dog but he never appears on camera>
Source: Meriam-Webster.Com
Well, I guess its both, and in that case...
YOU FAIL! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!1!!!!!11!
Nah, I'll let it go. Favor to the runner and all that, right? Plus, I wanted to try my evil laugh. Doesnt have the same effect online but...