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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

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A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
1,813 posts

I tried contacts once...*Shudders* I think I was having a panic attack. I could FEEL THEM. Not only that,the lady who gave them to me said that, because they were made special, I would most likely ALWAYS feel them, not like normal ones, where you stop noticing the feeling. Anyway, I never wore them again, and I got glasses. Yay me.

I've had contact lenses for years now and they started acting up recently. I consulted a specialist and he said to me that I had to change to glasses immediatly or I could risk never being able to wear them again in the near futur; my eyes are so damaged at the moment that it may even be impossible to attempt a laser operation, thus the recent lateness: I can't bear to watch a screen more than an hour or so.
I'm almost an experiment specimen, with a myopia worse than -7 in both my eyes, topped with a severe astigmatism.

But don't worry! The judging will be up in an hour or so!! Yee-Haa!

61 posts

wo0t! cant wait! i know i have no chance but i quite like poetry. im not good at epics lol

4,871 posts

Eh, contacts really aren't all that bad; I wear them out of my house and I wear my glasses when I'm home. Judging really isn't all that bad either, I did it before *smacks crying frank*.

1,766 posts

Come on 1337, you haven't been a judge yet; you don't know the hassles of judging.... *cries*

Yeah I know, but I... I thought you guys forgot about it.
9,504 posts

If it's been going for a week and we haven't posted, THEN we forgot. Remember Literature Fight? That things still down there and it's not finished. But alas, people hast forgotteth.

1,813 posts

The Ideal award; 1337Player

flawlessness, the thing we want.
Man struggles to get.

No, it's not the award that's ideal.. it's...ugh...So yes; onward to that haiku. It is of human nature to wiggle as hardly as possible, aspiring restlessly to the perfection of their perspective. A sole dream is a definition of paragon; it's the best life could have to offer given your desires, the best way to melt your wings.

The perfect citizen award; samy

My leader, my love
Postmodernist cynosure
Subjective flawless

A wonderful example of how the very best of somebody can come from, or be perceived by someone else. Somehow, I can't help but think about politics when I read this.

The genetic roulette award; lostsage159

Gleaming in the sky
The metal of victory
A goal you will reach

Olympics of course; being on the highest step of the olympic podium grant you the ever unfair privilege of being the paragon of your discipline. Though the last line may only be true for an infinitesimal margin of athletes genetically gifted, the Haiku has it's parallel to the theme; good job.

The ''I believe I can touch the sky'' award; blackskulldragon

Forever searching
Unreachable perfection
Can't ever get it

Perfection, if it would ever come to be clearly defined and reachable, would be the ideal state for defining ''aragonship''. Straightforwardly, simple, unequivocal; effective. Nice job.

The Annuit Coeptis award; MRWalker82

The bright pinnacle
Looming, taunting. Rarely touched
Greatness is our goal

And the all seeing eye glares at our demise while we climb. Symbolism is fascinating in the way it is subtle and deceiving yet so clear to those initiated to the proper knowledge. The golden cap; sign of inlightenment; of apotheosis; of ever enduring wisdom: the greatest goal men can have. Perfect choice of words, amazing submission.

The Minos award; Kinglemon

To be judged by him
Your life story will decide
Were you good enough?

Cyber cookie at stake here; first to guess the reference wins. I'm being a little wry here though since there cannot be a ''good enough'' for that particuar judge ^^. I guess you're implying that to have a respectable afterlife we must be paragons of grace and virtue while still in the world of the living.

The judgement award; Freakenstein

Trumpets call his name;
seen from the stars, they cry for
the god of desire

Well, I know about Pele but couldn't find anything about a comet named after her. Honestly, I was already puzzled by your Haiku and now I wonder if that info just confused me more...Anyhow, if it is about a comet, I've trouble tracing a parallel with the theme. The most I could make out of it was that; from the eyes of a celestial being, the feeble humans crave for guidance and excellence. You should...drop by my profile and slap me with something...It seems you're always the one to puzzle me into intellectual submission.

The God of war award; crazyrussian97

Flames dance in his eyes,
As with many men of war
Whose ire never dies

And the best of them soldiers will stand alone in the end, with the blood of both friend and foe tainting his hands. Sometimes, being the best at something is more of a curse than it is a blessing. War bears only war.

The 1000 pieces award; Zoark

Parallel summit
Linear yet unspoken
The leaf clings in hope

Yet another Zoark-branded puzzle. There's life in death as there's death in life, yet one of these two intertwining realities is unspoken and clouded; it is the somber part of this strand we call existence; it is death. We shroud ourselves from its grip by hoping and by living as strongly as possible. As the leaves, we wear ourselves out, trying to be the best of them all; the last to cling to the tree...

The Germinal award; thepossum

Kingdoms rise and fall,
Revolutions shake the world,
Will we ever learn?

Easy reference = half a cookie. It's the fate of every empire to be toppled one day or another; as we are contestants in the natural selection to determine the paragon(s) of the human race, so are the empires. Every living being is subjected to this awful torment; groups and institutions are no exception, though it be more of a fiscal selection for the latests.

And now the long awaited winner this week. The choice was hard as usual, but the competition narrowed down to only two this week, which is quite exceptionnal given the high ratio of great poets on Ag. Out of Mr and Zoark, the winner is:

MRWalker82, with a perfect submission for this week's theme. Clever, brilliant and idealy worded.

Nice work everyone, and especially Zoark; you were right behind!

Now, I'd like to tell you to go claim your merit but I guess you can just...give it to yourself now you fresh moderator of armorland!

In the most traditionnal fashion, next week's theme shall be: Cherry Tree!

600 posts

Congrats MrWalker

Cherry Tree? Classic

A little history lesson for you:

Fragile petal
plunging to the ground madly.
Once pink now is red.

hope you understand the reference!

since this was the first one I came up with I don't think i'll make it my official official just yet, but as of right now it will be my entry if I don't think of anything else.

439 posts

Gah, just out of reach. Congratulations MRmoderator.

These nature themed topics make it hard for me to create tenuous links between the theme and something completely ambiguous. Hopefully I can do another puzzle.

1,813 posts

Gah, just out of reach. Congratulations MRmoderator.


These nature themed topics make it hard for me to create tenuous links between the theme and something completely ambiguous. Hopefully I can do another puzzle.

I sure hope too. How was I this time around? Because it really wasn't all that easy to come up with that answer :P. I hope I wasn't too far off.

439 posts

I sure hope too. How was I this time around? Because it really wasn't all that easy to come up with that answer :P. I hope I wasn't too far off.

You always come up with a near perfect assumption of my ideas. I don't usually like to reveal the complete story but you are basically already there. Give the leaf consciousness...
1,813 posts

Give the leaf consciousness...

Well I had caught the metaphor don't worry ^^.
Keep on submitting those, they're fairly interesting to critic and tinker with.

3,386 posts

It's not yet Summer
Pink frills so dense in the tree
Blizzard of petals

I'm terrible at haiku's anyways. might as well give it a try.

9,504 posts

What are you saying?
NO, I didn't chop that tree
go away hobo!

1,813 posts

What are you saying?
NO, I didn't chop that tree
go away hobo!

HA! Hilarious...Is...That your official entry??

3,437 posts

Gilded pink blossom
Waving within the June wind.
Soon to bear filled limbs.

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