I was wondering what everyone thinks is worth fighting for. I was listening to this song and was wondering. Personally I think defending anyone who cant defend themselves is worth it
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Well I couldn't see the video but you are right. Defending the oppressed is justified. Also this subject is a cliche. Personally I can't think of anything specific to add. Anything that causes emotional reaction with you is worth fighting for.
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Same here. In my opinion is worth fighting for whatever you believe,justice and the freedom of speech. It's good fighting as long as you need to fight, some persons keep fighting even after their victory.
Hmm I can see that. I never said I was a fan of their music. I guess you ar ejust being extra blunt with your answers. However you went of topic and never really answered the post, what's worth dying for. I mean it couldnt hurt to rephrase what you said to something like:
I've made a lot of non-troll posts. Why does everyone think I'm trolling when I'm not. Btw I don't like Green Day at all, they stink.I think ______ is worth dying for.
See in my example post above I didnt just barge in, ignore the topic, call every one a mean name, and then state that I dislike a band in a vulgar manner. I did it more politely.
So you're either very blunt, and not good at being polite or you're trying to troll and or get threads locked.
Eh, What I've found worth fighting for, I would probably get made fun of for. Ah hell with it, this is the internet. I fight to protect others, compared to other people my life is forfeit, I would rather sacrifice myself then to let some one else die, If I had to choose between staying alive, or saving a completely random stranger whom I have never met, I would pick them over myself.