The United States is not, and never was, intended to be a democracy. The system was built upon the principals of polyarchy, which is a political system where the government is made up of "responsible" and wealthy elite. The rest of society is composed of a fragmented middle and lower class that every several years is allowed to participate politically to an extent while the wealthy monitors their opinions. Thanks to more than a few incidents regarding public opinion, the government and the constitution has changed quite a bit, but the basic system of polyarchy remains the same. Notice how we are only allowed to vote for TWO presidents from only TWO parties that represent the same economic and political ideology. Does that mean the two parties are the same? No, but they are still both center-right and that means we will always have the same basic system unless a radical change occurs spontaneously in one of the two parties or if a third party candidate that represents a libertarian, socialist, or even fascist movement is elected.
When I meant it was "INTENED TO BE POLYARCHY!!!" I didn't mean that the founding elite looked up polyarchy and said "this is perfect!", I'm just saying they were afraid of democracy and allowing a system that truely gave people direct control over what the government does.
When I meant it was "INTENED TO BE POLYARCHY!!!" I didn't mean that the founding elite looked up polyarchy and said "this is perfect!", I'm just saying they were afraid of democracy and allowing a system that truely gave people direct control over what the government does.
But the thread is called "The United States is not a democracy!"...
and I think they were afraid for good reasons, there's no way the people would vote on every little issue, so having representatives just makes it a lot easier... is the system perfect? hell no, but it's better than a polyarchy, and better than a true democracy if you ask me.
it is illegal for any political party that isn't the Democratic or Republican party to advertise
im looking for my source... im probably wrong, its illegal for 3rd parties in canada to advertise, and i must have assumed that it was talking about the US since i never see third parties advertise.
im looking for my source... im probably wrong, its illegal for 3rd parties in canada to advertise, and i must have assumed that it was talking about the US since i never see third parties advertise.
i would really like to have this statement proven. i cannot imagine, that there is a law that forbids advertising for any kind of party in canada. if this is true i think this is outrageous and a serious limitation of personal and political freedoms, that every individual has.
why is it every time i search the same thing i get different results?
it was illegal in new zealand but it seems they allow advertising, but not as much as the main parties.
here we go
The 1974 Election Expenses Act, which amended the Canada Elections Act, prohibited any individual or group other than a candidate or a registered political party â" a "third party" â" from spending money to promote or oppose candidates or parties
Hold on, isn't America, Technically, a representitave republic? We elect people at a simple level (Mayor, Governer, President), and then the elected people appoint teh minions. We don't even vote on laws/bills. elected/appointed people do that. Which, is good, because normal people have LIVES to lead, and bad, because corrupted politcians can make things difficult.
I think it's best that we are not a true Democracy, where everyone votes on everything. Imagine having to go out everyday to vote on the most minor bills. Would you honestly go and vote on laws about torts, interstate trade, crop production, or minor technicalities? I wouldn't. If any country were a true democracy, interest groups would rule the world. Bribery would be so common that it would be legal. And fraud would be as common as breathing.
I never see anything for the socialist party brought up, nor for the libertarian party, the US constitutional party, or the Whigs! What happened to the good ol' Whigs? The media used to be drowning with this little "Obamunism is taking over America!"
You have a dominant form of politcal views in America, so you say it isn't a democracy. Though you bring up a good point, the rest of the world deals with similar issues. Not only are their dominant political parties in America, but the rest of the world too (in one form or another).
You spend so much time trying to bring down America and bringing the USSR back that you have forgotten about the existance of the rest of the world.
How old are you? If you aren't at least 20, you shouldn't devote your life to supporting one form of government.
How can you tell us that America isn't a democracy when you probably aren't old enough to vote? How can you determine the ups and downs of taxes, paychecks, and work hours when you aren't old enough to drive or to get a well-paying job and a promotion? You probably live with your parrents. When you pay some of your house off, then you will know the value of money, work, and motivation.
@caucheka: your sources say, that only unregistered parties are not allowed to advertise. but it does not say, that you cannot register your party. so each registered party, which has not to be a main party can put up ads
Whatever type of government you consider America to have it doesn't matter. The truth is that only the rich have a shot at being president. I could have the best idea of the world, but yet i wouldn't have enough money to make my voice be heard.