I'm sure you've all seen the above video, the woman dragging her child through a store using the "child leash"
We've all seen someone usingit, what is your opinion on it?
Some find it disgusting. O
thers see it as a wonderful parenting tool that is being misused by some and then being painted as evil.
This woman sees it merely as a tool to keep her child from getting lost: ][/url]
Personally I think it is the dumbest thing on the planet. If you can't control your child/your child can't control themselves, don't take them out to these public places. Plain and simple.
Why? They have the same effect of walking 25 steps from your child, soon the child becomes scared and runs over to mommy or daddy. I never had one of those, neither did my sister, I didn't even know they existed until I saw this video and typed in 'child leash' into google, also, I will mock you and call you extremely overprotective for the rest of your days on AG. Don't parent usually want to lose their children?
A) Don't go. B) Leave him/her with a responsible professional. C) Tell him/her to get over it, life isn't all about them. Tell him/her in public to be curteous and don't yell. Spank them once you get home if they do act largely rude, then sincerely tell him/her you still love him/her while hugging him/her. D) Drag them through the store with a leash.
If you chose otion "D", the nice lady from the social services is on her way.
To the people who call the leash humiliating for the child...I can tell you from personal experience that any toddler wearing one honestly won't care. They'll be upset that they can't run anywhere that they please, but it's not humiliating. I remember my mother using a bracelet/leash on me...I thought it was a fun toy, lol.
My parents just trained me and my little sister from young age to always hold onto shopping carts. We never moved away because we thought it was fun to keep up. We STILL, on instinct, hold onto shopping carts whenever we're walking around a store and we aren't browsing the aisles or looking for something.
If I were the toddler, I'd be extremely embarrassed. I don't know how a person could put their child through that. I've heard of children that misbehave, but having to tie them to a leash? That's downright disturbing.
Think, decades from now that child will still be able to go on the internet and watch that.
Is the reason for not giving bail that there is no possible way she could be innocent or what? Even if the bail was set at $10,000,000 shouldn't she have that opportunity?