I'm sure you've all seen the above video, the woman dragging her child through a store using the "child leash"
We've all seen someone usingit, what is your opinion on it?
Some find it disgusting. O
thers see it as a wonderful parenting tool that is being misused by some and then being painted as evil.
This woman sees it merely as a tool to keep her child from getting lost: ][/url]
Personally I think it is the dumbest thing on the planet. If you can't control your child/your child can't control themselves, don't take them out to these public places. Plain and simple.
Is the reason for not giving bail that there is no possible way she could be innocent or what? Even if the bail was set at $10,000,000 shouldn't she have that opportunity?
Where did you guys read that she didn't get bail.
Hmm, well I guess I'll take your word for it.
It seems a little weird to me also, balerion. That judge must have been a real hard-a**. Yeah, I know what she did was wrong, (let's not forget disturbing), but she should be allowed bail. Hmm, I hate when things like that happen.
Is the reason for not giving bail that there is no possible way she could be innocent or what? Even if the bail was set at $10,000,000 shouldn't she have that opportunity?
Most murderers aren't even given that opportunity. It depends on the judge and prosecutor in the case.
And you guys realize this is two months old, right?
there terrible if a mother or father cant watch there child well enough they shouldnt torture them. And when i went to dorney park last year i saw at least 20 kids with leashes on
Dumb.I mean to the kids its embarsing to both the parent and the kid since the parent can't even controll there own kid.And once in a while the kid will find his/her friend and some place and they will think"They are weird having to be on a leash'So I relly think the chold lesh stupid.
I think its better than the shock collar, but not as fun I think its better than implanting a Homing chip in their skin so that they can find Thier kid. I think its worse than just keeping an eye on Thier kid, but I understand kids get away some times and this is a sure thing to keep track or control of them I dont like it but i can understand why they use it.
Just going to say this. If your kid NEEDS to be on a leash, then you shouldn't be a parent. It's the parents responsibility to raise the kid, not drag it around.
Just going to say this. If your kid NEEDS to be on a leash, then you shouldn't be a parent. It's the parents responsibility to raise the kid, not drag it around.
I agree. People that have kids on leashes shouldn't have kids, instead they should have dogs. :]:]
I'm so glad my mother never put me on a leash. hehe
Wait. We are all missing the point here. Children are pets. Pets have leashes and collars. We also send dogs to school just like our children. Heck I've even seen diapers on pets. Kids get lice which are like fleas. We have commercials about child abuse and pet abuse. But then again maybe I just need another beer.
We also send dogs to school just like our children. Heck I've even seen diapers on pets.
Thats because people personify pets, they treat them like a child or family member. Putting a diaper on them could be 2 things also, one, they don't want them to go to the bathroom on the carpet, or they need mental help. The sending them to school isn't the same either, that's being lazy and letting someone else train your pet for you so you can just cuddle it and not expect it to bite you and so you can tell it to roll over and it happily does so.