ForumsGames[NECRO] Best Goverment On Colony?

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It's me again. So I have been trying to figure this out for a while. I personally think "Capitalist" In the chat, everyone says "Fascist"
I wanna know what you think.
(I hope this does not result in a flame war...)

  • 227 Replies
86 posts

Ehh faci and capi can both forge well depending on what your doing. If your playing and old school game or going old school tactics capi is they way to forge.(due to unlimited romans and trust, unlimited romans is SUPER useful)

If your playing with newer strats or a game of ss, faci is the way to go.

Commi isnt really as equal as capi in anyway... except maybe eq but even then capi can still hold up and have the ability to tech up to meds where as commi cannot.

Personally i like face it was the gov i started out using and played with alot,but i gotta give capi its merits for being so good at pumping out hoves and its unlimted romans.

Commi is weak... but pretty fun to play commi only games lols cuz weird things can happen cuz no one knos builds and whoever loses more untis gets screwed twice over cuz the other team gets more resources.

mon still overpowered and i have a dislike of it.(the units are fine) but the mon gov should not be used.

591 posts

Commi isnt really as equal as capi in anyway... except maybe eq but even then capi can still hold up and have the ability to tech up to meds where as commi cannot.

Commi is weak... but pretty fun to play commi only games lols cuz weird things can happen cuz no one knos builds and whoever loses more untis gets screwed twice over cuz the other team gets more resources.

I'm going to prove today that the fact you made was wrong. HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just give me an opponent that's monarchy and does forge/special operations.

mon still overpowered and i have a dislike of it.(the units are fine) but the mon gov should not be used.

You're damn straight right.
657 posts


Capitalist: Gains money quicker(better to tech up).

Communist: It would be good if it got money faster. If you use this and make some tanks right away and they send units they will feed you influence and money to tech up.(the more influence you get, the more units you make, the more units they make, the more units you kill, the more influence you get.)

Fascist: Quick build for everything. Good for rush or quick teching(just make sure you have enough money to tech.)

Monarchy: Helps with influence units. Would recommend getting some prides and medics on the front line then getting some far snipers in the back to kill ground( helps if you get sakatas to kill air.)
Hope this was useful.

Resource Gain:

Capitalist: "Money,money,money." Of course with capitalist you get a lot of money. This is good for upgrading quick.(This does not mean fast but you get the money you need to upgrade with faster.)Gains 5 money, 3 manpower, and 2 energy every 5 seconds. Balanced resource gain.

Fascist: "Time is everything." Fascist has a semibalanced resource gain that get 4 money, 2 manpower, and 4 energy every 5 seconds. This is good for 'Forge' but not for 'Outpost'.

Communist: "Work smarter not harder." Communist provides 4 money, 4 manpower, and 2 energy every 5 seconds. This is semibalanced resource gain. But it also has an important bonus. For a kill you get 3 influence, or 3 money.
This can be spent on more protection or saved to help upgrade in the future.

Monarchy: "If theres a will theres a way." Monarchy is the newest of the 4 governments. If allows you to not only gain the normale resources but also influence. It gains 3 money, 2 manpower, 3 energy, and 3 influence every 5 seconds. This is the most balanced you can get in colony. You can use it with almost any strategy and still come out on top.

~(#&$$ Don't Mess With The Goat @)-.-(@

657 posts

this will be updated soon to include more info

1,673 posts

yah your guide to govs is right

86 posts

i dont think you guys understand capi really well. Capi doesnt just make more money...

Capi have a 20% resource gain on all their resource buildings. a capi gen makes 20% more energy then a faci, or com generator. A capi bank makes 20% more money. Im not sure about the outpost manpower gain but i kno even a capi armory makes 20% more resources then a faci or commie one.

657 posts

yah your guide to govs is right


Capi have a 20% resource gain on all their resource buildings. a capi gen makes 20% more energy then a faci, or com generator. A capi bank makes 20% more money. Im not sure about the outpost manpower gain but i kno even a capi armory makes 20% more resources then a faci or commie one.

i have a feeling that your wrong but what your not including is that you get resources over time from no buildings at all.
657 posts

Commi is weak... but pretty fun to play commi only games lols cuz weird things can happen cuz no one knos builds and whoever loses more untis gets screwed twice over cuz the other team gets more resources.

a lot of people know commi builds... in fact the most popular one is to make a bunch of snipers and hovers... b4 you post put some research in to it will ya.
86 posts

i kno my research... capi buildings seriously do have 20% more output than all the govs...

a way to prove it is do spec ops with faci and capi against each other. plan both spec ops to come up at the same time and watch, the capi player over time will have more influence.

and any commi hove build is in mo comparison to fast hoves...
if you ever see peggster or lordiano ask em to do a fast hoves(capi) build against your commi hove build and see which one is better.

Us old schoolers been playing the game for awhile and kno alot of the game mechanics... it seem some of you newer people have not discovered alot of the older information.

591 posts

Chessmaster102 has been on Colony since it was released. He's not new.

I know a secret about 1 government, but I won't give it away.

1,059 posts

capitalist-you earn recources from banks and generator 20% faster
Fascists-You build much faster then everyone else
Communist-You get extra resources whem killing an enemey unit

1,059 posts

also if your an aggresive(someone who rushs and just spams units) player fascists and comunist is for you. if your a passive player(someone who stacks) capitalist and monarchy is for you. there are always exeptions to all governments.

86 posts

ehh i think all mon builds are meant for rushes noob. B/c all high teir units of outpost pretty much wrecks mon units e.g bqs wreck spec forces, mod skatz, and far snipes, sakats kill saints, and hoves can push back anything acompanying the sphyx.

ha i didnt realize chess played since start, ive been on for awhile and i guess i just never ran into him or he had a diff name. Im surprised he doesnt kno about the 20% capi resource gain.

How krin designed the game is that each governement has their own resource gains such as
capi 5 money 3 manpower and 3 enrgy
faci 5 enrgy 3 manpower and 3 money
commi- 5 manpower 3 energy and 3 money
(if i remmebver these correctly) but i do kno that capi makes more more money faci makes more enrgy commi more manpower for theri base income.

Each gov also has their own special traits
Faci has the fast build
Commie has the kills for resources
and Capi 20% resource gain

i dunno monarchy's gainst but id think it would look something like this
3 money 3 enrgy 3 manpower and 2 influence

also i think the secret hank was talkin about is a rumor i heard that mon has slower build speed than all the other govs.
Dunno if its true or not and never had the time to test it. but thats just wat i heard.

657 posts

capi 5 money 3 manpower and 3 enrgy
faci 5 enrgy 3 manpower and 3 money
commi- 5 manpower 3 energy and 3 money

if you look at my next post that will include updated info you can see that these are wrong...

ehh i think all mon builds are meant for rushes noob. B/c all high teir units of outpost pretty much wrecks mon units e.g bqs wreck spec forces, mod skatz, and far snipes, sakats kill saints, and hoves can push back anything acompanying the sphyx.

Shinx and far snipers can rule in late game if you get the chance(keyword IF)

also i think the secret hank was talkin about is a rumor i heard that mon has slower build speed than all the other govs.
Dunno if its true or not and never had the time to test it. but thats just wat i heard.

funny i heard that it was quicker(which i didnt believe) i also heard that communist built faster too(im not sure about this one). of course it wouldn't be faster then fascist.

ive been on for awhile and i guess i just never ran into him or he had a diff name.

I had the names chessmaster102, chessmaster123, AnbuChess, pieisawesome, and zyxwv.

ha i didnt realize chess played since start

i think i was one of the first 1000 to play(thats not including beta testers.)

Chessmaster102 has been on Colony since it was released. He's not new.

thnx hank

And ill end with i'd like to get together sometime PREDADERP.

~(#&$$ @)-.-(@
657 posts


Capitalist: Gains money quicker(better to tech up).

Communist: It would be good if it got money faster. If you use this and make some tanks right away and they send units they will feed you influence and money to tech up.(the more influence you get, the more units you make, the more units they make, the more units you kill, the more influence you get.)

Fascist: Quick build for everything. Good for rush or quick teching(just make sure you have enough money to tech.)

Monarchy: Helps with influence units. Would recommend getting some prides and medics on the front line then getting some far snipers in the back to kill ground( helps if you get sakatas to kill air.)
Hope this was useful.

Resource Gain:

Capitalist: "Money,money,money." Of course with capitalist you get a lot of money. This is good for upgrading quick.(This does not mean fast but you get the money you need to upgrade with faster.)Gains 5 money, 3 manpower, and 2 energy every 5 seconds. Balanced resource gain.

Communist: "Work smarter not harder." Communist provides 4 money, 4 manpower, and 2 energy every 5 seconds. This is semibalanced resource gain. But it also has an important bonus. For a kill you get 3 influence, or 3 money.
This can be spent on more protection or saved to help upgrade in the future.

Fascist: "Time is everything." Fascist has a semibalanced resource gain that get 4 money, 2 manpower, and 4 energy every 5 seconds. This is good for 'Forge' but not for 'Outpost'.

Monarchy: "If theres a will theres a way." Monarchy is the newest of the 4 governments. If allows you to not only gain the normale resources but also influence. It gains 3 money, 2 manpower, 3 energy, and 3 influence every 5 seconds. This is the most balanced you can get in colony. You can use it with almost any strategy and still come out on top.

Special Traits:

Capitalist: Gains 20% more resources from buildings.

Communist: Gains 3 money or 3 influence for every kill.

Fascist: Faster building speed for every thing.

Monarchy I can't really put any Special Trait here yet. But I can say that it gains 3 influece every 5 seconds. The others don't gain any from over time unless you have units on the field or making some from 'Special Operations'

~(#&$$ @)-.-(@

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