Yeah? I guess he does, a little bit. But sometimes that works with the tune, y'know? And with how gravelly his singing is, it's hard to notice. Don't worry about spelling, I probably f'd something up in here...
Agreed. David Draiman's style of vocals is unique in a multiple of ways. I wonder how much refining he had to do in order to go from 'Oowahahahah' and other growls, to the song 'Darkness'. I haven't heard anyone growl like David.
I have to say David is one of the few people who can follow the beat of a song with their voice in a dime. Also Disturbed is one of the few bands that stick with the same kind of music since they where made. I think I like ALL the songs to Disturbed. And they are the only band I can say that to. Disturbed is one of the best, maybe even the best.
[/quote] David Draiman's style of vocals is unique in a multiple of ways.[quote]
I agree with sarthra21, David has a very distinctive voice and very original,it's part of the reason i like Disturbed. I also like how he does that grunt thing like in Down With the Sickness or Perfect Insanity. Disturbed is one of my favorite bands