The 1987 Transformers Movie was the epitome of animated detail. The insane attention put into every single frame, every character, every bloody well blade of grass is drawn to perfection. And the epic hair metal soundtrack just adds to the mood. I understand I'm pretty retro, but that's my choice, 100%.
My first thought is to go with Wall-E. It was just very cute and clever! Though, who knows if it will still be my favorite animated movie 5 years from now... Given that, I'll go with A Goofy Movie!!! It's been many years since that came out and I still love it!!! Definitely a feel-good movie for me!
1. KUNG FU PANDA 2. Lion King 3. Dragonball Z movie 4. Final Fantasy 5. Naruto Movies both series 6. The Simpson's 7. Wall-E 8. The incredible's 9. Cowboy Bebop 10. Inuyasha 11. Family guy 12. Bleach Movies