Okay to start this off i will state that i am a Christian and that is never going to change and im just mking this thread so i can understand other peoples view points.. Okay now.. I've been Googling this and i can't find anywhere that any Theory can explain how "matter" came out of absolutely nowhere, I wanna know how evolutionist explain how something came from absolutely NOTHING. Now i will state that i do not believe this apply's to God cause he is a self existing Being outside of time and space.
Theory can explain how "matter" came out of absolutely nowhere, I wanna know how evolutionist explain how something came from absolutely NOTHING. Now i will state that i do not believe this apply's to God cause he is a self existing Being outside of time and space.
All matter came form the "god" particle, or the particle that had all the matter in the universe. From what I heard, the "god" particle came from the Big Crunch; the polar opposite of the Big Bang, all the matter condensed into one atom.
If God exist out of the space and time, then he can not interact with our universe
quickshift I must commend you for being inquisitive. As it stand now we really don't know where all the matter in the universe came from. It's possible it's always been around and the universe is in a constant state of flux expanding and contracting and expanding again.
One theory going into quantum mechanics suggests our reality sits on a sort of membrane with other membranes with other realities around us. two or more of these membranes collided creating the singularity that created this universe. This is really the best I can explain this one quantum mechanics has a tendency to blow my mind.
One more thing, the as I have said evolution really has nothing to do with this topic and terms like evolutionist and evolutionism are rather inaccurate. It's like saying someone is a gavityist following gravityism because they think the theory of gravity is correct.
I've been Googling this and i can't find anywhere that any Theory can explain how "matter" came out of absolutely nowhere, I wanna know how evolutionist explain how something came from absolutely NOTHING.
We don't know if there was ever 'nothing' in our universe, so to explain that something came to exist from nothing is a bit... unnecessary.
No one "knows" where all the matter and energy came from in the first place, we can only make theories. As long as we learn new things all the theories are revised, so for now there is no 100% correct answer.
It all started with the Big Bang... Well thats what I think, for all we know the universe could be a new one that evolved from and older universe having a big crunch, which recreated another universe..
and i can't find anywhere that any Theory can explain how "matter" came out of absolutely nowhere, I wanna know how evolutionist explain how something came from absolutely NOTHING.
The first matter in the universe, in all likelihood, was just energy. You know Einstein's famous equation: e=mc^2 Well, that formula says that energy and mass are equivalent - meaning that matter can be converted into energy (like burning something) or energy can be converted into matter (a process, which I don't think we understand). When you start talking about causation at the early stages of the universe, we don't really know what that means. For example, the question "What happened just before the Big Bang?" is a senseless question to a physicist, since the universe was undefined for that period. But for a philosopher, it's a very intriguing question. But in all likelihood, we won't be able to determine those first 3 or 4 nanoseconds of the universe because we can't recreate those circumstances and it's hard to postulate what everything was like and exactly how it all went down. Now, after the first few nanoseconds of the Big Bang, physicists do have a really good play-by-play for how everything happened. It's just those first few moments of physical existence that are tricky.
I've been Googling this and i can't find anywhere that any Theory can explain how "matter" came out of absolutely nowhere, I wanna know how evolutionist explain how something came from absolutely NOTHING. Now i will state that i do not believe this apply's to God cause he is a self existing Being outside of time and space.
For one, evolutionist study genetic change of a population of organisms and species from one generation to the next. You're mixing the study of the origins of the universe (Physical Cosmology) with Evolutionary Biology. There are actually a few Evolutionary Biologist who don't believe in the "Big Bang Theory" In addition, your sediment that the same doesn't apply to "God" because, as you believe, he exists outside of time and space, is the same introduction that Physical Cosmologist use for The Big Bang Theory. They believe that the universe started as a "singularity" which existed outside space and time. A singularity is a speck of infinite density. Much like "God", this speck appeared from nowhere and apparently for no reason (remember, outside of time and space). The speck started to expand, or explode and hurled matter, energy, space, and time in all directions, which ultimately, over a period of 10 billion years, became out universe.
I can not comprehend how you believe that "God" would automatically exist like an infinite being, yet you can't understand how there was a speck of infinite density (meaning it always existed) which created out universe.