The point is that 9/11 is the worst thing that ever happened because millions of Christian Americans died.
as shown before, there had not been a nearly a million casualties. it was more 3017. and as said before there were not only christians killed(as long as we do not assume every american being a christian)
I think another "worst thing" ar the bombings on Japan in WWII. Aside from the dropping of the nuclear bombs that killed 220,000 in both cities (of which about 20% were due to burns or radiation sickness etc.) Plus over 500 people since then that have died due to cancers caused by exposure to radiation; the fire bombing of Tokyo also killed 120,000 people in one night. An awful trajedy even in war time and I don't really buy the "it saved many American lives" thing as an excuse for it.
i think world war 1 was the most tragic,it not just killed thousands ofpeople but also sparked ww2 as well,and this time worse,asians were more included and many jews lost their lives
9/11 is also another bad thing that happened,in a way millions lost their lives,i dont know,i was just born when it happened,but even if only 3000+ died,their family must have felt as though they lost their will to live and those who worked at the twin towers must have lost their jobs,and i heard from my parents that one of the planes that was gonna crash was stopped and smashed into the ground instead due to a few(3 i think)people that tried to take down the terrorists.
Seriously,i dont know where the bombers got their courage to do such an atrocious thing
... You know, why u said CHRISTIANS is just odd to me - No religious involvement, it's not that hard, holocaust, tbh I don't think it's real - do you REALLY believe that 6 million people died in Concentration Camps? Think about it, I never known anyone to see it, no video's of it, nothing, so show me please, and I am not flaming, please don't blame me if it offends u, but anyway... Worst one possibly is Hundred Years War, and WWI was very very bad, gases going in, in WWII they didn't use it, Hitler as a private probably was in the war, so when he came to power he wouldn't have used gas, it was terrible...
WWI was very very bad, gases going in, in WWII they didn't use it, Hitler as a private probably was in the war, so when he came to power he wouldn't have used gas, it was terrible...
He didn't use gases for fear the English had their own, and The English army didn't even have. strong gases, but yeah, gases are a War-Crime.
Think about it, I never known anyone to see it, no video's of it, nothing, so show me please, and I am not flaming, please don't blame me if it offends u, but anyway...
The videos that came out of the Holocaust aren't something you can find on YouTube or on the History Channel. Most are in video documentaries that people don't want to watch because of the graphic nature. I've seen them. It's horrible.
Also, people want to rely way to much on video evidence to prove something happened. You have to remember, video recording was often banned in oppressive dictatorships (and still is). If it was legal, it was only allowed in certain places. Stalin and Hitler would never allow reporters to record their labour camps. Presently, Kim Jong-Il of North Korea does not allow video recording in his prison camps, because it's bad press on the country. People would be risking their lives to record the mass murder in Nazi camps or in North Korean labour camps.
You also have to realize that video recording did not become popular until the mid to late 50's. It just wasn't common to record historical events. Picture taking and writing was still the most popular form of reporting. So when people question why there aren't many videos of the Holocaust, Stalinist Purges, or other atrocities in the 1930's to 1940's, it's because it was not a popular form of reporting.
Sorry for the double post, but here is a documentary which has plenty of videos of the Holocaust happening. This is obviously NOT safe for work, and has very disturbing images:
you are right that there is almost no video footage of the holocaust, for the reasons stated above.
but still there is plenty of proof for it, so i do not even see the possibility of not believing in the holocaust:
1. You have the people who survived concentration camps. when they survived they lived and could tell their story.
2. you have books written by people who died in concentration camps. some people had diaries in which they described what happened to them.
3. you have the guards and personel of the camps.
4. you have the stories of the soldiers liberating the people in this camps.
5. you have records of gas shipments to the camps(so much about the gas usage in ww2)
6. you have the camps itself. most of them can be visited by people in order to learn about history. you have whole rooms full with shoes from the people that went in the camp and never went out, and lot more horrible stuff. learn about it or if you have a chance go and visit one of these camps. then you have more proof then you want