I personally think that it is horrible. What they do is they just go into peoples' yards and kidnap their dogs just because their dog is a pit bull. I personally have 2 pit bulls, and would like too see it be abolished.
I see you registered just to talk about it, if this is your first post.
In some cases, taking pit bulls and other strong dogs from your house is unconstitutional, because it is sometimes the owners' only source of defense from outside people, say that the owner is frail and elderly and cannot properly defend themselves, or if you have children in a wide-open area.
Big problems for me if they pass that law in my state, but I have no problems with it if all it does is just enforce the warning to keep it contained in your property. They ARE ferocious animals, after all.
I have to respectfully disagree. They are gentle, loving animals who are heavily abused. Their plight knows no end in some cases. They are extremely loyal dogs and that loyalty is heavily abused.
"I see you registered just to talk about it, if this is your first post."
No. It's just something that popped into my head right now. Although it is a big part of my being.
Well, maybe I just stressed that too much. They can be, if conditions are right. They just need to be properly controlled. There are those that let their dogs go without a leash and expect them to be around all the time. If they are trained to be guard dogs, none other does better.
If they are trained to be guard dogs, none other does better.
Many do better. Pit bulls are rarely bigger than 50-75 pounds, while rottweilers can be a massive 150 pounds, and are very scary.
There are those that let their dogs go without a leash and expect them to be around all the time.
They are, if properly trained. If just left alone they are not very socialized and dangerous. All dogs are like that. Pit bulls, chihuahuas, labradors, etc.
They just need to be properly controlled.
All dogs need to be properly controlled. My point is that targeting one breed is stupid, regardless of the conditions and temperaments.
I suppose then that the only other reason why they target Pit Bulls is fear. I mean, both local and regional news capture reports of pit bull attacks from their owners, or from passersby. It's like a red scare for animals.
Anybody who says Pit Bulls are 'vicious' have probaly not own one from a pup. They are constantly used for dog fights and sentry dogs, hence people thinking them as vicious. My uncle has a pit bull named 'SweetPea' and boy, she could do some pretty mean things to a pork chop.
Whilst I sympathise with your viewpoint, I think as a breed they are too much of a danger to be allowed to continue to live. I am not often an advocate of eugenics, but in this case, I think the pros outweigh the cons. Consider that the vast majority of pitbulls which are taken belong to gangs who have trained them as attack dogs. Also consider that pit bulls as a genus were specifically bred for offensive purposes and are inherently violent. Even animals which have not been treated harshly have killed small children.
I think it is regrettable that there is no alternative other than taking them away from theiur owners, and causing emotional distress, but at the end of the day, when you look at the context in which this takes place, it's undoubtedly the right thing to do.