This contest is... (all rights reserved by respective owner...)
How this works is, be has gay has possible on here, and not get banned. On the 30th, I will judge all the comments on here, and then judge everyone.
The rules of this contest are has follows:
1- No spamming 2- Can only be done in this thread 3- Be gay has possible, without getting banned 4- Do what ever you can do, to be has gay has possible 5- Pictures are Okay, has long has they don't break the rules 6- NO CYBERING! NO ABSOLUTELY NO! 7- Can post in here has many times has you want, but only the most current post will get judged.
(Note: I will try to get a mod to give someone a merit if they win... though I personally believe merits are dumb, and take away from the competition... but hey, this might give some people an incentive to play)
thorry foth double post, buth I thuddenly started feeling a mythterious ithch on my panths, doeth anyone wanna scratch me *Wink* Oh-my-god.Jonas Brotherth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone needs to be the tough gay that marries the feminine ones.
Like the thoracic surgical registrar who came in to put in the intercostal tube on this guy who had a pneumothorax earlier this arvo (he literally fell off the back of a truck and fractured his ribs on the kerb, so naturally he wound up in emergency). He strutted in with his tight metro shirt and tight pants and fancy tie and fancy gel hairdo and fancy leather briefcase, with biceps and butt clearly on display, putting on his (metro) manly man airs and copping crap for going on about how this was pushing back his visit to the gym.
Then he proceeded to ask me whether I was into surgery (all manly men must do surgery, see), and when I replied non-committally he exclaimed "Are you serious!? Are you a MAN, or a PHYSICIAN!?" And after he'd finished (it wasn't easy), he said to me "did you like that? You gotta be BRUTAL!"
Uhh, I'm sooo.... French, and GAY! I think the OP is a silly goose. hehe (Silly Goose is one of our (my boyfriend and I) sex nick names. Mine is the Baguette Lover.) Well, I hope you little kiddies have a wonderful time with this thread. Just ask me if you want some gay pointers. Welp, I'm off to go get my nails done. Bye sweeties!
Gay Moat: Really? You all think I have a-won? I'm flattered! It'th an honor. *hops up and down in joy* Straight Moat: Somebody help me! Get me out of here! Something!
Was going to ignore this (Since Soulhack selfpwned earlier), but
Ya know, I think Strop wins this contest... >_>
Uhm, I think you are confusing "gay" and "crossdressing/Transvestites". Short dress/lingerie is not the same as being gay, as transvestites often is straight, but simply likes wearing women's clothes.