This contest is... (all rights reserved by respective owner...)
How this works is, be has gay has possible on here, and not get banned. On the 30th, I will judge all the comments on here, and then judge everyone.
The rules of this contest are has follows:
1- No spamming 2- Can only be done in this thread 3- Be gay has possible, without getting banned 4- Do what ever you can do, to be has gay has possible 5- Pictures are Okay, has long has they don't break the rules 6- NO CYBERING! NO ABSOLUTELY NO! 7- Can post in here has many times has you want, but only the most current post will get judged.
(Note: I will try to get a mod to give someone a merit if they win... though I personally believe merits are dumb, and take away from the competition... but hey, this might give some people an incentive to play)
I wanna open a wine and cheese shop in Than Fran. Anyone wanna help me out?
Why thertainly! Although I was thinking of opening a haberdasher as well. All thothe men coming in...getting to dreth them. That picthure maketh me feel all tingly! And yeth, I would love to thample one of your cookieth, alt! *sucks on cookie* Straight Moat: Cmon manta! We gotta run! I feel myself being pulled back into the unsanity of the gay Moat's body! We need to go RIGHT NOW! Pedobear is catching up!
Like, oh my god, so I was like, heading over to the YMCA (ooh, dirty me!) when I came across the most gorgeous, yummy guy I had ever seen! So I went up to him, and he was like, totally married. I mean, I felt, like, so totally disappointed and all; so then, I just when home and cried.
Straight Moat: NOOOOO!*is sucked back into gay moat body* Gay Moat: Tho, like, I wath watching One Tree Hill...Chad Michael Murray, you know, and thuddenly, I tharted to change. I felt...thtraight. For the firtht time in my life, I wath thtraight. He wath abthorbed into me. And then...I kithed a girl. I felt tho dirty afterwardth! It totally affected my karma. I mean, how can two different genderth really pleath each other? Straight Moat: Oh God. Please let me go back to the dark tunnel. I may have been running with a semi aquatic kickboxer, being chased by a homosexual teddy bear, but God, at least I wasn't here!