This contest is... (all rights reserved by respective owner...)
How this works is, be has gay has possible on here, and not get banned. On the 30th, I will judge all the comments on here, and then judge everyone.
The rules of this contest are has follows:
1- No spamming 2- Can only be done in this thread 3- Be gay has possible, without getting banned 4- Do what ever you can do, to be has gay has possible 5- Pictures are Okay, has long has they don't break the rules 6- NO CYBERING! NO ABSOLUTELY NO! 7- Can post in here has many times has you want, but only the most current post will get judged.
(Note: I will try to get a mod to give someone a merit if they win... though I personally believe merits are dumb, and take away from the competition... but hey, this might give some people an incentive to play)
OOH THEN WE CAN WATCH HGTV! Ill go get my favorite chair! And my posters of all of the actors!
Yeth, come come! Here'th your popcorn with ethra butter, Poithon. *gives popcorn to poison* And you thimply mutht thtay! I hear they're thowing the Jonath Brotherth LIVE after the thowing of Dethperate Houthwiveth! And here, I have ten copieth of Twilight the movie and the book with all the extrath. You can have one of them if you want.
I like butter on something else, if ya know what i mean. Its sooooo much smoother and the taste is just DELICIOUS. OMG my zipper is down, anyone want to help me? Oops too late my pants just fell down, what are you looking at? Oh that, its much larger without these silly things on. You wanna see? Look at how long it is, and smooth...You want to feel how smooth it is, go a head, I dont mind.... oh ya, thats good...Ive heard Im the fastest in the whole city, wanna find out...
What exactly is gay about describing your leg hair to us?
Top 5 Bands/Singers: 5.) Nsync 4.) Backstreet Boys 3.) Ricky Martin 2.) New Kids on the Block (gotta love classics) 1.) and of course JONAS BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hellllllooooooooooooo! Do you have, like, any fashion thenthe?
I always wear Hawaiin shirts, and loothe pants. They aerate my lardy thelf thoooo well! I altho rub butter on my chestt to exfoliate the thensitive thkin and remove the damage from those awful UVA rays. It altho keepth the front of my shirt transluthent . . . hey, if you got it flaunt it! Am I right? Yeth, I'm right. totally.
I disagree Alt. As a child, it could be inferred that I had a mini pickle, because the pickle does grow with size. However, the thickness of this *mini pickle* could widen most average sized objects it was placed in for sexual purposes. Therefore, I must conclude that some mini pickles are thick; they merely have the potential to become thicker. And yes, mine did.
By the way, I'm assuming pickle is a penis. If you genuinly mean Classic pickles (that's the tastiest crunch I've ever heard), then it doesn't apply. Although it is what she said...