I can not pick on wicth is better so you tell me what you think I want to see what people will say
rock rules,and so does nickleback,greenday is good too.this should be locked cause THERE IS ALREADY a thread like this,look herehttp://armorgames.com/community/thread/33004/rock-or-rapi hope this is aloud...
this is spam, there is already another topic just like this except the qeustion is Rock or Rap? not rap or rock.
i dont realy like rap og rock but if i had to choose it would be rock.
Hard to decide. I like both, but the way rap is sometimes really put me off. (like raps about candy supposed to mean something else)
rap is the best (like manu)
Rock is better. Some eminem is ok and the bits in linkin park are good
rock is great but rap isnt too far behind
Rock is the best from the days long ago till now rock is a whol lot better then rap anyday
rap is simple rock is awsome
rock id way better than rap rap is retarded
There are already many other threads similar to this, so I would move further comments to one of those, thanks.
I like both equally. Well, okay, I like rock a little better. But in my opinion they are both great types of music.
It's not about the type of music, but about the message the song conveys...
Rap-Rock like Papa Roach is good
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