And assaulting a police officer is like punching your dad, you get in deep sh*t for it.
punching your dad brings you in the same trouble as does punching any random person on the street.
and as long you dont want to be popular in your family and do not want to be invited to any familyevents, there is no big consequences for the hit either.
the only extra consequence i imagine is, when you live with your parents, but the consequences you have in addition to the legal ones exist only, because you depend on your parents,when living with them. you should never assault people you depend on. in fact never assault anyone
In the case of Rodney King 1 of the 4 police officers arrested for brutality was charged.
There was a piece in the newspaper the otherday about a Transexual (man to woman) who had raped a woman. "He" was arrested and put in a male prison (he had already previoulsy been in jail for manslaughter). However he said it was against his human rights as a "woman" to be put in a male prison and was transferred to a femal prison. A follow up story hasn't been done but I hope they told all the women what he is in there for and I bet he'll be begging to be viewed as a man again. I know human rights are important but I wish more cases would be looked at on a more personal basis to prevent people abusing them.
I would like to see the end of political correctness in the UK. It's really quite ridiculous. I'd also like to see an end to the benefit culture that seems to be prevalent (thank you very much New Labour.)
I bet he'll be begging to be viewed as a man again.
I'd think he'd rather be in a woman prison than a man prison. I mean, if you're going the soap, wouldn't you rather the bad things that follow...soap-dropping...would happen in a prison entirely occupied by the opposite gender?
and whats wrong with women getting less time in jail
I find it to be rather sexist if you ask me. With the idea of equal rights, I would think that the punishment for women would be the same for men. But alas, this is not the case.
I'd think he'd rather be in a woman prison than a man prison. I mean, if you're going the soap, wouldn't you rather the bad things that follow...soap-dropping...would happen in a prison entirely occupied by the opposite gender?
But he raped a woman (ra.ped if it is still blocked) if they found out they would do much worse things too him (besides he was a homosexual so "dropping the soap" would be eeerrr... *trails off*)
Forums. they are so useless. they get us nowhere. We should ban them
I agree, most forums are pretty useless. However, after spending the summer on the AG forums I've noticed that I'm able to create better, more in depth points on different subjects we discuss in school. These forums are rather nice, when 420 isn't around; and even they're not bad.