ForumsWEPRSimple metaphor on life.

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25 posts

There are three types of people in this world. Sheep, Sheepdogs (dogs that guard the sheep), and Wolves.

The sheep hate the sheepdogs. The sheepdogs are an annoyance, and seem to have no reason to follow the sheep. "The sheepdogs are just morons that won't go away, because of nothing better to do than waste our time". The sheep don't ever remeber anything bad happening to them. The sheep go on their way, having fun and enjoying their quiet plot of land. The sheep mock the sheepdogs. The sheep can't figure out why the sheepdog is so... paranoid. Yet the sheepdogs stand on the hill.

The sheep decide to leave the sheepdogs behind.

The wolves travel in packs, to improve their odds. The wolves enjoy the fact that the sheep are so ignorant. The sheep are making it easier for the wolves. Every time a sheep goes outside of the power of the sheepdogs, the wolves are watching. Waiting.

One day the wolves decide to attack.

The sheep are defenseless, trying to convince themselves that this is not happening. How could it happen? They were good sheep! They never attacked the other sheep! They never disturbed the world! They never attacked the wolves.

Yet the carnage continues.

The sheepdogs are sitting where the sheep had left them. The sheepdogs have seen true carnage before, they know what true evil is. The sheepdogs can not understand the sheep, why they live why they do.

The sheepdogs hear the cries of the sheep, reduced to their most pathetic form - terror. And do you know what the sheepdogs do?

They run. They run towards the massacre. They run as fast as they can towards the massacre.

The sheepdogs arrive at the scene. The sheepdogs are outnumbered, 3 to 1. The sheepdogs know that. The wolves know that. The sheep do not. All the sheep sees is something that will healp them. Something... noble.

And the sheepdogs attack.

The sheepdogs kill off the wolves 1 by 1, until the wolves retreat. But the sheepdogs can not stop fighting, even though other sheepdogs have died. As long as there are wolves, the sheepdogs must fight them.

The remaining sheep are now in the field with the dead all around them. Wolves. Sheepdogs. Sheep. They know full well what just happened, but they can't understand why it happened. But the most puzzling question of all is why the sheepdogs came back. "Why did the sheepdogs come back after we left them?"

The sheep honor their dead, and honor the sheepdogs. And over time, some of the old sheepdogs come back, and some do not.

And a new generation of sheep is born.

The sheep hate the sheepdogs. The sheepdogs are an annoyance, and seem to have no reason to follow the sheep. "The sheepdogs are just morons that won't go away, because of nothing better to do than waste our time". The sheep don't ever remeber anything bad happening to them. The sheep go on their way, having fun and enjoying their quiet plot of land. The sheep mock the sheepdogs. The sheep can't figure out why the sheepdog is so... paranoid.

Yet the sheepdogs stand on the hill.

As long as there are wolves, the sheepdogs must fight them.


Thank you for reading this story. It was something that had to be said, even if it is a day after 9/11.

And if you didn't understand this story, it's ok. It really is - it's such a beautiful plot of land, isn't it?

  • 11 Replies
25 posts

Soory for being wordy, it really was difficult not to speel things wrong.

9,821 posts

This is not only in the wrong section, but it's pretty blatant plagiarism. This entire thing is just stitched ideas from Dave Grossman's book 'On Killing.' Tsk tsk tsk. Mod report in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . .

320 posts

I understood it, people don't appreciate what's really out there and what not and it is rather true. It also says that the sheepdogs are annoying, which in real life is very true. But sometimes we need em.

Rather good I think but if it wasn't you who did it I would love to know the source of it. T'would just be polite to the person who did it.

9,821 posts

@Windshift: He indirectly plagiarized this from David Grossman's book "on Killing."

205 posts

this is gonna sound dumb,but this kind of reminds me of americans and those they help.i mean america is the first to help if your country gets hit by nature and needs help fast.or if your being killed by some loon who wants power over all.[and yes i know that america has stuck its nose where its not needed b4 aillas vietnam and iraq]. and one more thing im not scared of h8 mail so if you got it send it.

9,462 posts

Maybe I missed a rule but if he isn't trying to make money off it what's the big deal if it's his or someone elses?

9,821 posts

IT's against the rule to plagiarize, whether it be for monetary gain or not. For this to be legit, he would have to at least post credit to the original author/the author he got inspiration from - it's basically theft with no monetary gain.

1,455 posts

Sadly enough, I only recognized it as plagiarism from "Team America". But it was d**ks, p**sies, and a**holes. And instead of getting eaten if the d**ks didn't defend the p**sies, they had to f*** the a**holes or everyone would get covered in sh*t.

That's probably the dirties post I've ever posted, but blame Team America, not me.

205 posts

your a sick baster* next time you post plz act like a normal human being

1,455 posts

I told you it was from Team America. I was just saying that's how I recognized it. Next time you post please read the entire post you're responding to beforehnad.

3,826 posts

Yeah, well, since this doesn't seem to be going anywhere and the OP is plagiarized...

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