Well first of all if you don't know how to beat the normal mode of this game you're bad at this game.
First age "caveman age" first make a dino rider then make as many club infantry as you can becuase they are stronger then slingshot infantry and cheaper. you should only use the volcano if there is to many enemies around. wait till you get 4000 exp.
sencond age "Medivel ages" now make as many swordsmen as you can then wait till for your guys to fight and save the money you get to buy a knight make as many knights as you can.wait till you get 14000 exp
thired age"Crusade" make as many canoneers and mousquetteres as you can if needed build a turret
fourth age "modern war" build as many tanks as you can and maybe some machine gun infantry buid some rocket launcher turrets too.
fifth age "future" this is the last and easist age of them all just build the Ionray turret it hurts infantry lots and it shoots far and it might hit the enimies base
don't train any men at all until they evolve when you got 40.000 or 30.000 sell a double turret and get lazercannon and do it with all turrets and don't send any men then save up for 80.000 sell lazercannon(bottom one) and build ionray and keep building for ionrays aand then you will win
i no how to beat impossible not gonna tell >=) muahahahahahaha normal,hard is easy in the 5th age of hard and normal i buy the 40K turrent.i buy 4.keep w8ing till u get 450K.(u win easily)buy 3 supers soilders.Lol.
EASY AS PIE!!!i do buy the 40K turrents... to help me to defeat god sword war machine blasters... when i get it up to 450000 coins U KNOW WAT UR THINKING OF!BUY 3,U SHOULD KNO WAT IT IS... RIGHT?KNO BY NOW...
OK this is confusing for some people I will now be recreating the walkthrough buts its not different its just in one post. besides I don't really want to play the game all over again since i've beaten it like 30 times.
First age: Cavern Mens Age First thing you should do is buy a Dino rider,then the rest of your money to buy Club men. After your Dino rider has died you should have $80-$100.If you have $100 you should buy another Dino rider if you have $80 just wait till your club men kill some people. Continue till you get 4000 EXP.
Second age: Medevil age
medival age: if you got more then 500 buy all archers if you got less buy swordsmen save up for 500 and then buy all archers when all archers are dead buy a knight or 2 and save up for another knight whenever you can afford 1 buy one if they come out with knights tap special.Continue till you get 14000 EXP.
gunpowderage: if you can afford canoneer buy him if not buy musqouetour or watheva train like three canoneers and then save for large canon if you need more cash buy another canoneer wen you got it buy duelers as much as you can afford then save for canoneer and buy him Continue till you get 45000 EXP. modern age: start with a infantry not meelee tap special as quickly as you can and keep up whit infantry save up for a tank and get a second tank whenever you can afford save up for 12500 and then sell your cannon and get double turret get a new turret spot and save for a second double turret get it and build a new turret spot and buil a new double turret and once again a new turretspot and again a new double turret Continue till you get 200000 EXP.
nanoage: First buy as many war machines as possible then use the cash to buy a Ionray and continue till you get 4 Ionrays the save up 300000 and buy two super soilders
All you need to beat on any level is to first use super power, buy an egg turret, and send out cavemen to deal with any threats. Do not evolve until you have 450000. Your cavemen are cheap and when you have a million in one spot, on top of egg turret(s) that you add as you go on, you can stop anything. Then, you replace your first two egg turrets with double turrets. They can take out anything within that age. Once you get to the last age, you need at least one ion cannon. Once you have one, get four just to be safe. Then save up for three or four super soldiers, buy them at once, use your super power to clear the field, and you win.