Well first of all if you don't know how to beat the normal mode of this game you're bad at this game.
First age "caveman age" first make a dino rider then make as many club infantry as you can becuase they are stronger then slingshot infantry and cheaper. you should only use the volcano if there is to many enemies around. wait till you get 4000 exp.
sencond age "Medivel ages" now make as many swordsmen as you can then wait till for your guys to fight and save the money you get to buy a knight make as many knights as you can.wait till you get 14000 exp
thired age"Crusade" make as many canoneers and mousquetteres as you can if needed build a turret
fourth age "modern war" build as many tanks as you can and maybe some machine gun infantry buid some rocket launcher turrets too.
fifth age "future" this is the last and easist age of them all just build the Ionray turret it hurts infantry lots and it shoots far and it might hit the enimies base
Well first of all if you don't know how to beat the normal mode of this game you're bad at this game.
So, then what is the point of this guide? Oh wait, there is none. If someone can't beat the game on normal, yes they do suck, but that's probably like 1% of all gamers. I beat it on impossible in one try. This is not a hard game.
I will be making a age of war walkthrough *normal mode* V3
I would discourage this because a normal mode walkthrough in the first place is unnecessary and this would be even more pointless.
Honestly, I can beat normal and harder pretty effortlessly with the same strategy--too cowardly to try on impossible, though I've heard it works. I'll have to look for Technika's guide, I'd like to know =D
Caveman Age: At the very start, wait for some enemies to come, rain meteors. This should get you to $200, buy an Eggomatic (which is overpowered). If enemies get too close to the base, send out a caveman. Yes, a CAVEMAN. Not a dino rider. Cavemen are more cost-efficient. With turret support, a caveman should be able to take out 3-5 cavemen or 0.5-1 dino riders. Keep doing this, buying turret slots and eggomatics as you can afford them. You can honestly stay in this age until 45000 EXP on normal and harder...just spam cavemen (which is still cost-effective). Modern Age: Yes, we skipped the other two. Cavemen pwn 2nd/3rd age noobs -_- Use melee infantry if needed, but get a double turret ASAP. Then start replacing eggomatics with double turrets, and wait for 150k EXP. Space Age: Get ion cannons, wait for a ton of funds, spam super soldiers. 'nuf said.
Sure beats the original poster's strategy IMO (anyone else's opinion on this?)...
I agree with Falzar. That's almost the exact same strategy I used to beat impossible. Most people don't see how good the turrets are and you don't always need the biggest soldier to work, rely on the smaller cost effetive guys
And yes, turrets beat soldiers 'cause you can't kill a turret and turrets tend to have way better range...and they can even combo with soldiers if needed =D Cavemen are just as meatshields so the turrets can do their thing. Also, 2nd/3rd age turrets fail for their cost -_-
Random notes on cost ratios (enemy units give cash equal to cost*1.3). In other words, how many cavemen you can send out against one of these and still break even (though turrets will usually finish them before you use this many). I might be off by half a caveman or so, but I haven't played in a while, so I forget enemy values.
Advance here, as cavemen cannot hold off melee infantry, period. They get one-shot, and you can't hire them fast enough. Send out a few melee infantry to keep the enemy infantry away, but build a Double Turret as soon as you get $14,000 and watch the carnage. Replace the eggomatic each time you get $14,000. I don't know whether you need troops on Impossible, but they're unneccesary on Harder. AFAIK, in Harder, enemies have 75% more HP, and on Impossible, they have 325% more...or so I heard.
Advance to 5th age when you get 150,000 EXP. Replace double turrets with Ion Cannons as you reach $100,000. Now I'm not sure if four Ions can handle enemies easily on Impossible, but no troops are needed on Harder...so if troops aren't needed, sit back, wait until you get a ton of money, then spam super soldiers. In some cases, the Ions might actually kill the base if you wait long enough -_-
Can someone clarify Impossible for me? Namely: -Is +325% HP roughly the right amount? -Are troops needed in the 4th and 5th ages once the turrets are up?
Okay, I took a shot at Impossible, made it to the 4th age...and made the blunder of advancing. Cavemen > infantry in impossible. It's hilarious to see a blob of backed-up cavemen from the massive building count since they're being squashed together at my base...it's funny to watch that massive blob 4HKO a cannoneer...
Also, right after, I started a game on normal...and was oddly surprised that a single eggomatic was handling large waves of cavemen. The things that Impossible mode does to your mind, eh?