ForumsWEPRCalling all Muslims

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379 posts

there are alot of atheists and Christians and threads about these so i thought why not create a muslin thread and another reason why i created this thread is because i was wondering if there were other muslims on ag.

just like the other threads we can talk about anything muslim

  • 356 Replies
379 posts

So! Who here, apart from ferary, has first-hand experience about the Islamic faith? I myself don't have either - but I do wonder... does anyone actually know what's in the Koran? (?Qur'an?) I hear a lot of people saying it's actually quite a peaceful book, but I have no idea.

well it is peaceful but i cant understand Arabic so i dont know whats in it in detail
148 posts

i understand arabic but they do have qu'rans in english anyway eid mubarak

69 posts

Eid Mubarak all, Hope you remember Allah today
(I'm another Muslim AGer?)

As for Jihad -- Before even stating what it means, I'd clearly love to point out that

1) Muslim Extremists are pretty much .000000001% of the Islamic Community (Or Ummah, if you've heard that term used)
2) They aren't righteous people at all, and though some people agree with what they say doesn't mean they agree with what they do. Hell, Europe doesn't see America eye to eye on the Middle East.
3) I don't really go as far as to give the term Muslim to them, As Islam/Muslim really in reality means "Obedience to Allah" -- And if they can't obey a simple rule like "Do Not Kill" then they are a little screwed.

To be simplistic -- jihad as a word was always a word, but first coined in its religious meaning during the first try of Muhammad's conquest in Arabia.

Basically, If anyone tries to stop me or my community or a Muslim brother of mine from practicing his religion -- Or just trying to harm them then I of course according to moral ethics and my religion have the right to fight for him, or die/martyr myself in the name of Allah in the process (Which, I'm sure, is no different than any other religion). It is NOT just fighting for power/death to America.

A great, Modern Example for Jihad could be Afghanistan Vs. The Soviets in the 80's, Pakistan actually supported Afghanistan in that war, obviously showing Muslim unity to some standard. Now, The Taliban, who by media are coined as super-extreme-muslim-die-hard-kill-you-terrorist-jihadi-madmen are being attacked by Pakistan, yet people have the ignorance to say that all Muslims are working with a group like that for no reason at all.
Also, about the struggle with your mind, that term isn't used as much unless your really confused about where you stand in Islam, etc.
Jihad's a great thing, you just have to understand it.

PS: The Qur'an has summarized texts of The Torah (which it accepts), it accepts "People of the Book" (Christians, Jews, and others that believe in semitic religious books) as -- To the best not evil people, and obviously (along with all other religions) to be tolerated. It also is a great, peaceful way that explains the life of Muhammad and how to live your life.
Some of the interpretations of it can be different then others which are laid back, but all religious books have harsh interpretations, but to be honest, the Qur'an itself is a very beautiful, peaceful book.

I myself do not understand Arabic, but being a true Muslim at heart do my best to understand the Qur'an as best I can, and of course learn to read Arabic even though I can't understand it.

If the Qur'an were a terrible book, then why, whether it was or wasn't 'spread by the sword' as media/some historians have said it was in comparison to other religions -- Why did it stay in the harts of many?

The Mesopotamians converted the few greeks they conquered near Phonecia, yet the Greeks didn't stay as part of the Mesopotamian religion -- Apparently, for some aberrant reason Islam stayed to those that it spread to? (Whether it was or wasn't spread by the sword)

1,720 posts

I wish a moderator would look at this thread and warn the people spamming and flaming in it.

Uh nobody has spammed or flamed here at all.
887 posts

Uh nobody has spammed or flamed here at all.

Somers and Kirby.
1,720 posts

True, true.

69 posts

Muslims can own computers!!??

As you can see, Muslims across the world have to put up with lots of Bullshit, too.

I've heard terrorist/etc. all my life, but that one was new.
476 posts

Somers, go flame in the "calling all Christians" thread.

I have a question.
Was Muhammad supposedly the son of God, like the christian Jesus, or just a messenger, like the Islamic Jesus?
And sort of understand the difference between Christianity and Islam, but what exactly are the differences between Judaism and Islam?

69 posts

As to your question, Thyll: Islamic belief, clearly states:
(Translated from the Qur'an to English, Might sound a little diff. then biblical English, I believe)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
112:1 Say: He, Allah, is One.
112:2 Allah is He on Whom all depend.
112:3 He begets not, nor is He begotten;
112:4 And none is like Him.a

A very early part of the Qur'an, stating that nobody is/ever will be/ and more importantly does not need to be the son of God.
All "Prophets" in Islam are what they are said to be, and that is merely a "Prophet". (As, of course, Jesus can be revered to as God instead of a prophet to Christians, No?)

For your second question:

The birth of Jesus (you could say) divided Judaism itself depending on different beliefs. According to historians there were many people that believed Jesus was A) Prophet but confused, B) Prophet but not the son of God C) Fail Jew D) The Birth of Christianity -- Because of the differences, this was one of the reasons Islam was allowed to spread.

The Differences between Islam and Judaism are that
1) The History of the Torah is the same, but to Muslims it was, according to our prophet, messed up. As in what was taught was the word of Allah (Which wasn't Islam at that time, of course) -- but was changed to the Judaism of Jesus's time (IE: The sins and rabbis and whatnot, also)
2) The exclusiveness for the Jews, just like Christianity, was deleted -- So anyone could become a Muslim
3) The Holy Land = Holy, You don't have to live there at the end of the world
4) Kosher Food basically turns into No eating Pork/Drinking Blood/Drinking Alcoholic beverages/Cannibalism
[Being breif here, these laws didn't really just turn into other things, Lol]
5) Islam has its own rules, new language, etc. Very tolerant, more rights for Women just like Christianity -- Though in the poor world of Islam and the culture women have a bit of a lower status in regard to the west nowadays.
6) No Sons of God (I think the Torah talks about some prophet, named with an E in English being one)
7) Jews predict a Prophet, Jesus comes, Jesus predicts end of the world etc. -- Muhammad comes (At least, to the Muslims).
The Jews didn't accept Jesus, who was a Jew, and they certainly did not accept Muhammad, who was an Arab. To some people's belief the thought was that the Jews kept sinning, etc, so due to the marriage of Abrahams sons leading off to two semitic ethnicities of arabs and jews, the other son's ancestors basically ended up as a Prophet in Muslim tradition
8) Finally, there is a tolerance for "People of the book"/ People that follow any book delivered by God, and to Muslims, that would be Christians and Jews along with all those that branch from it and keep the same entity.

Also, these Judaism and Islam have both kept their idealistic belief of Monotheism whole to the entire world, while religions like Hinduism and Christianity cannot to the entire extent. (Tbh, With no offense, I've asked countless people to explain me the Trinity -- And I get countless different answers and sometimes not an answer at all but some turkish proverb)

Hope that helps.
Its hard to lay out all the differences, after all, I'm just forum posting here but I think I got most of it.

148 posts

thats a very good post blade i commend you on that but somthings you did miss out unfortunatly.

1. about womens rights. here in the middle eastern countrys not all of them have womens rights. for example in saudia arabia women cant go anywere by themselves. also they arent even aloud to drive! one more thing they all have to wear a scarf or hijab in arabic. its very similar to afghanistan(although im not quite sure if its exactly the same).

2. the Torah, Bible and Qu'ran were all books of islam. the Bible was sent down by allah to Isa or Jesus. the Torah was sent to moses or moussa and the Qu'ran was sent to mohammed peace be upon them all. but in Islamic belifeis the Torah and Bible was changed but they could not change the holy Qu'ran because the words and scentences were too strong


148 posts

sorry i meant to say anyway hope that helps

1,532 posts

1. about womens rights. here in the middle eastern countrys not all of them have womens rights. for example in saudia arabia women cant go anywere by themselves. also they arent even aloud to drive! one more thing they all have to wear a scarf or hijab in arabic. its very similar to afghanistan(although im not quite sure if its exactly the same).

Soo do they have to wear that head thing 24/7 or is there any free time?
148 posts

in saudia arabia and afghanistan yes but i think its wrong because a woman should have her rights to do what she wants

379 posts

i agree woman should have their own rights about little things like wearing a hijab my mom doesnt wear 1

148 posts

i know it is what a muslim woman has to do but if she dosent then well just let her do what she wants

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