there are alot of atheists and Christians and threads about these so i thought why not create a muslin thread and another reason why i created this thread is because i was wondering if there were other muslims on ag.
just like the other threads we can talk about anything muslim
no offence but some people might really take that seriously epecially close minded muslims so you'd better be careful what you right i mean seriously although i dont take it as an insult
There is nothing wrong, about this thread for Muslims I'm Christian I don't find nothing wrong with you guys and I relly don't think this Thread has Failed (Not yet anyway)
Well, Don't call 'em ninjas but yeah, basically that is what it is.
Two two things in this discussion: 1) Hijabs are asked to be worn/concealment of the body for females during prayer + during the time of prayer if the Adhaan is heard (which it is not in the households of non-muslim countries)
The Qur'an uses the language of Arabic -- It is a very vast and ancient semitic language with roots originating within its area long before the well development of English -- let alone its modernization. Each word has mutliple meanings -- It is only asked the Females keep their body from being recognized or shown publicly as an act of not being pious.
Its not to say that they have to wear the entire thing, that is just longstanding Arabian culture that is being regulated a little too harshly by islamic shari'ah. (I am personally NOT a fan of the Saudi Arabian Government. The government style is fine, what they can do vs. what they do is bad) So to end that up, A western dress of a woman showing her body off/wearing 'tight fitting' clothes can be considered impious, as it is considered to just about every religion, No? Its a bit too harsh on muslim culture in my opinion, but it actually is not the religion - As many Muslim females are still accepted into Muslim society if they are not dressed like that -- Infact, there are less of those who wear the full outfit.
Jews Vs Muslims is a long-standing controversy. At the start of the ninth century with Muslim rule in pre-christian lands, the Muslims (after yes, winning battles) -- Kept a tax on "those of the book" for them to keep their cultures/synagogues and torahs/bibles to the people that wanted to, just accepting into Muslim rule. When the christians drove both the Muslims and Jews out, the Muslims were killed+mosques converted to churches, and same with Jews. Jews were later expelled, too. This was all fine and dandy but the thing was was that the Jews were at that time hated by both groups -- Muslim Palestenians who had been living there long ago as non-immigrant Arabs lived in the area and overtime obviously outgrew the Jewish community due to their diaspora and excessive leaving of the area -- Even after the fall of the Roman Empire.
The Jews are a secular group who believe their religion is right, that it is only for them, and that all that is Jew will survive at the end -- This in history not only led to their occasional prosecution but more importantly they believe that the holy land is where god will save them in the end. Muslims who now have this land -- to jews -- copy strongly from them and are an outer, unreliable group. The pop in the 1940'-50's appeased to Jews, saying sorry and ETC. The Jews have Western support+financial aid (tons of it) (along with American taxes) and so they fight over there land against the Muslims for control.
So there is lots of hate between the groups, and for the first time in History the Jews are part of a new age where they control their area with over 50% of the population being Jews.
im not muslim i was just wondering is it true your not allowed to touch dogs?
Who told you that? The Dog is unclean, just like any other animal probably will be. It only breaks the Wudu (The cleansing done before prayer.. just water on arms+face+hands+feet) and that has to be re-done. Keeping Dogs as pets inside is said by hadith (sayings of the prophet) as something that shouldn't be done as your changing the entire aspect of the animal itself and it is not one to be added to the family.
haj is pilgrimage to mecca in saudia arabia haji is what a man is sometimes called after he has done haj (i think) and the same thing with feamale except she is called hajya but this is all in arabic so some people wont understand (no offence)
1) Its spelled "Hajj" 2) You go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia 3) You form a series of rituals/acts done by the Prophet Muhammad. 4) Main Aspect = Circling the Ka'bah, Praying there before an Imaam (Leader of the prayer) who is a descendant of the Quraysh (An Arabian tribe that was of Muhammads tribe) 5) Its the fifth pillar in Islam and required by every able (Mentally, Physically, and Economically able) man who is a pious Muslim. Also, its tons of fun
PS: Umrah = Hajj not done at the month where it is, which is not the official thing but done for care/love out of God. _____________________________________________________________ I'm not too sure what males and females are called after preforming Hajj, though.