rofl, I hate that too >.< I understand that we're supposed to set an example for developing nations...... but the best way to do that is probably not to police the world to set an example of not caring too much about other nations. If countries did that there would be less war, in my opinion anyways.
Stop meddling in the affairs of other nations Team America:World Police.
I believe that all our meddling is going to be the downfall of the U.S.
Just look at how much we spend on military every year, that we could be using on things to advance the quality of life for citizens. Billions of dollars a year are wasted on our unnecessary interference in other countries, while there are tens of millions uninsured in America. Now, we can't abolish the military entirely, but I do believe that first getting out of everyone's business, then cutting way back on our military would do great things for this country. Nothing good is going to come from the world viewing us negatively.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I do not have enough knowledge on this subject to make an educated decision lol
Exactly. How much education on the situation in that area of the world does the average American have to make an educated decision on a party/president with a fitting policy to deal with it?