Torture has VERY low success rate. Most of the time the suspects LIE just so they don't have to be tortured for a few days. And it's been proven that just questioning and treating the suspect like a human being is far more effective to get CORRECT information...
Well, the Afghan war was just declared unwinnable without a troop surge of 10,000-45,000. Canada is pulling out in 2011, Italy is considering a major troop reduction. And another troop surge from the U.S is looking unlikely politically, if not impossible.
Your a nice person. You probably caused that guys expression. you probably like water boarding.
Hahaha! That's funny!
Waterboarding is for *coughpussiescough*. It doesn't go for enough. Anyone with a grain of will can take it, while flaying is much better at breaking them down. The point is not to receive info automatically, but to break them so they eventually talk. Also, if you keep torturing them until you actually receive the target, they have a much higher chance of giving accurate info.
Waterboarding is for *coughpussiescough*. It doesn't go for enough. Anyone with a grain of will can take it, while flaying is much better at breaking them down. The point is not to receive info automatically, but to break them so they eventually talk. Also, if you keep torturing them until you actually receive the target, they have a much higher chance of giving accurate info.
I'm truly speechless at this level of ignorance. Torture has never been an effective way to extract information. You're coming off as a despicable person to me...
I'm truly speechless at this level of ignorance. Torture has never been an effective way to extract information. You're coming off as a despicable person to me...
Hahaha! That's me. Quite frankly, people who so much as plot to kill thousands of my American brethren (no matter how much I may dislike them or their beliefs) deserve no less. I don't care how much info we get. They will snap eventually, and only once the target has been taken care of do we stop the horrendous pain they deserve. We then put them to death in the electric chair to top it off.
The Texan conservative around AG.
I was the same way 8 months ago when I lived in Arizona XD
Many problombs with that, you can't go around declairing war so fast, 1. The nations you invade and occupy would mostlikly kick the armies out and stop deporting oil, that would f*** up the country's economy if you removed the Middle East's oil imports. 2. The Military Personal will evrentaully abandon hope and resign/walk away from the army if warfare goes and your side is the lossing. 3. Enough with the American Facism.. (Not that America is) but stop acting like it. War is a last option.
You cannot really win against religious guerrilla groups. They will never surrender. They believe that if they die, they will go to paradise, so why would they surrender to an invader?
Really? So the Malaya guerilla defeat at the hands of the British just, never happened. Or indeed the conquest of Afghanistan by Alexander the Great.
I have to say. That's a pretty simplistic view.
You. Don't. You can't.
I agree. Declaring war on an abstract noun was a stupid idea to begin with.
Torture works on some people very well, others not so much.
It all depends on the psychological profile of the person.
On the war . . . force won't work so well, because this is an amorphous enemy. We need to use propaganda here - turn the Muslims against the Muslim extremists. The groups won't last long if they're wildly unpopular and can't get new members.