ForumsWEPRGuns = Protection

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There is another topic yes but i wanted to show people an example.

these are two stories i completely made up, but think which one would you rather be in?

I'm laying in my bed, under my bed is a locked gun case, with a gun laying next to a loaded clip. I hear glass break down stairs and footsteps. I quietly get out of bed unlock my case load my pistol and creep down stairs. A big man wearing black clothes is standing in my hallway rummaging through a closet. I but my laser sight on him and wait for him he turns and pulls a knife i squeeze the trigger.

Now lets imagine the same situation without the gun.

I'm laying in my bed,I hear glass break down stairs and footsteps. I quietly get out of bed, and get my cell phone. I call 911 and the operator says there are 2 squad cars on the way. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, i hide in my closet. The robber rummages through my room and comes to the closet, opens it and i tackle him onto the floor. He eventually gets the knife to my throat. The police show up and find out a man has had his throat cut and they have a man with a bloody knife in custody.

Now i completely made these up, but think if someone breaks in your house what are you going to do, call 911 and wait 5-10-20 minutes for police to get there and you may already be dead, or have some kind of protection close by.

  • 21 Replies
996 posts

Anyone who owns a household or apartment should have the right to carry a gun, or at the very least have a gun in their house for their own protection. My house has been broken into once before, and if it hadn't been for very well protected doors, it would have been three times.

and this has been mentioned before: what if we make guns illegal? the only people with guns will be the ones who acquire them illegally and are making a forward attempt at attacking other people. Happy now?

The only way to be successful in the diminishing of gun deaths is to further gun enforcement and include longer, detailed background checks that take a few days to complete.

408 posts

Guns are safe in responsible hands. When you turn 18 (in the US, don't know about the rest of the world) and if you want, buy a rifle or shotgun, but get someone who knows what their doing to teach you how to use it, and don't buy one from a pawn shop or a used one. Most gun store employees will be more then happy to either teach you themselves or recomend a good teacher and I'm sure even local law enforcement (if you own the firearm legally) would be happy to help you. All new firearms come with instruction manuels including rules of safety, read this multiple times, and if you've never used a gun before, buy something like a .22LR bolt action rifle, something you can learn on before buying something big and powerful like a 7.62 or a 12 gauge. Guns, like just about everything else, are only dangerous when in the hands of idiots who don't know what their doing or are trying to show off. They can be fun, but they are not toys and should never be treated as such. Also, guns and alcohol do NOT mix. Oh, German3945, even detailed background checks by the ATF or FBI can be conducted in a matter of hours now thanks to computerized records and department sharing, so it doesn't need to take days unless it's a restricted firearm such as a full auto where they'll probably ask everyone you've ever met from your 1st grade teacher to your boss to all the "happy" exes.

811 posts

Guns can be protection... when you are in a car chase or about to be arrested or terrorists attack your homeland.

5,874 posts

Yup, it does protect yourself.... You have to know how to control it though.

Guns can = kill.

Guns are good and bad.

3,675 posts

If there is another topic (which there is indeed, even you said so) please take this discussion there. No need for another one.


5,579 posts

Guns can be protection... when you are in a car chase or about to be arrested or terrorists attack your homeland.

Or when a burglar wants to kill you, when some drug dealer shoots at you, or when you get mugged. They also help in ending potentially fatal bank and store robberies.

And they're great for committing suicide.
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